Chapter 25 - Time Travelers

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Wendy walked beside me, waiting for an answer, "Are you gonna tell me now?"

She was bugging me about yesterday.. Since she saw Me and Mabel on the floor cuddling since we watched all day before that. Yeah, I let my guard down.

"Well, I wasn't gonna tell anyone yet.. but yeah, we are dating now," I explained, which somehow brought a small smile to my face.

"Nice one, dude." She playfully punch my shoulder, "I knew it was gonna work out."

I tilt my head, curious as to what she meant. "You expected it?"

"Yeah, man.. She was looking at you all dreamy like the past few weeks!" She chuckles which just made me more embarrassed, "I mean she's like that to a lot of guys, but yeah she acts differently around you sometimes."

"O-Oh..." I replied, speechless. "Am I that dense?" I said with realization.

"What are you kids talking about?" Stan said from behind us as he approaches.

"N-Nothing.." I said dismissively, "Why are you out here Stan? I thought you were touring the.. tourists?"

"I can do what I want. Besides after I drained their pockets and they already left." I don't even understand how he can say that with a straight face...

"Right.." Before I could continue my sentence, Soos comes out of a corner with his head down and a pained looked on his face. "Soos?" I tried getting his attention.

"I'll talk to you dudes later.. I gotta fix some pipe or something.." He simply walks past us. We round the corner to where he came from.

"Oh no. Oh no, no." Wendy says in a panicked voice.

In front of us were Dipper, Mabel, and her friends Grenda and Candy behind the Mystery Shack. There were party streamers and balloons everywhere.

"Okay, you guys didn't know so it's not your fault, but Soos hates his birthday."

"What?" The twins say with a sad expression.

I look back to Soos, he was sitting on the porch, "Even I haven't seen him that upset.."



We looked over to the small TV in front, "Welcome to the year 8000. Society: collapsed. Fog machines: everywhere," it announces. Amazing story...

I turn to the others, they wanted to treat Soos today without reminding him of his birthday so they decided why not laser tag? Honestly, I was excited, I haven't played laser tag before and from their expression, it seems that it was going to be fun. So I had high hopes.

Soos looks over to the twins, "I-I don't know, guys. I'm not sure I'm up to this today." He says, uncertain with himself.

Dipper holds his laser gun up, "Don't worry, Soos. As soon as you start playing with us, you're gonna have a great time."

"Yeah, Soos you just have to relax and have fun!" I said trying to encourage him.

"We promise, no matter what happens, we won't leave your side," Mabel promised.

His uncertain frown turned into a more reassured smile, "Well, I guess I could give it a shot.."

We look over to the door, "Prepare for laser battle! In three, two," it announces before giving out a blaring loud alarm.

The door opened, it lets out the smoke that was inside the room. Everything was flashy inside, Grenda and Candy were the first to run inside as Wendy and even Grunkle Stan ran inside. Didn't know someone as old as him, was allowed inside..

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