Chapter 08 - Soaring the Sky

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"What are you eating?" A soft voice came out of nowhere while I was reading a book.

"W-What?" I look around the gift shop trying to find the source, Wendy was doing her own thing... Dipper was writing something in his clipboard while stealing glances at Wendy. I spot someone below me, it was Mabel, "Oh... didn't see ya there," The stool was quite tall so I literally didn't see her at first. "I'm just eating some beef jerky, you want some?" I offer her some.

"Sure!" I put down the book I was reading and open another pack of beef jerky, she takes some from the packet and eating it, "Thanks!" She managed to say while eating.

I let out a small laugh, "Okay, okay! You're welcome, just eat first." She was quite messy while eating.

Mabel goes towards Wendy while I went back to my book, "Random dance party for no reason!" She says as both of them dance.

A second later the Cuckoo clock goes off signaling that our shift is over.

Wendy stops dancing as she looks at the clock, "Hey, look at that! Quittin' time! The gang's waitin' for me, I'll see you guys later."

Dipper approaches Wendy, "Wait! Why don't I-.. or we come with you?"

"I don't know... My friends are kinda intense, how old did you guys you said you are?"

"Uh... We're thirteen! So, technically a teen."

"All right. I like your moxie, kid! Let me get my stuff," She turns around to leave the gift shop.

I approach the twins, "Wait.. you guys were thirteen?" Even I didn't know they were teenagers. It's.. not very obvious that they were teenagers...

"Maybe..?" Dipper responds weakly.

Mabel looks confused, "I thought we were twelve? Is it a leap year?" She asks.

"Well, it's our chance to hang out with the cool kids Mabel!" He argues

"What am I not cool enough with you guys?" I put my hand on my hips.

"What no no, you're cool.. I just thought we could also hang out with them, and Wendy..." He says the last part almost a whisper.

"I knew it! You love her!" Mabel pokes her brother, "Love! Love! Love!" She teases.

I let out a small laugh, "Well... I wonder what happens if she 'accidentally' knew of this..." I smirk, never thought a nerd like Dipper would like her.

"Please don't.." His body droops a little.

"Hey guys," Wendy comes back to the shack as we turn to her, "Are you guys ready?"

The twins nod in agreement

"Okay then!" Wendy turns to me "Oh yeah! Are you gonna come with us Will?"

The twin also turns to me, "It's gonna be fun! You should totally come with us, someone would likeee for you to come," Dipper whispers the last one to me.

Mabel approaches me, "Yes! Are you gonna come with us?" She says with adorable puppy eyes.

I chuckle at her enthusiasm, I put my hand at her head, messing with her hair again, "I'd like to go, but.. I have things to do," I shrug, "Maybe next time though."

Wendy crosses her arms, "Boo! You got a lady friend now?" She asks raising an eyebrow.

"Of course not! But who knows," I let out a small laugh.

They all turn to leave "I guess we'll see you later then, bye Will!" Dipper says while he waves at me. Wendy and Mabel also said goodbye as they wave and left through the door.

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