Chapter 11 - The Fair

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Such a calming day. Nothing much to do but to pass time. Honestly, I'm almost close to falling asleep.

Wendy was on the cashier sitting down reading some magazine, while I was on the other side of the room leaning to a desk while reading a magazine- it was about weapons. I'm not really a violent type of guy, but the weapons looked interesting at the very least.

Someone came inside the Gift shop, but I was too busy reading- and maybe a bit lazy..

Whoever was the person was they approached Wendy.

"Hey, Wendy.. do you wanna hang out at the fair?" I heard a friendly voice say, it was Dipper.

"Yeah, I guess so." I hear her say nonchalantly.

"So.. Will..." A voice came out of nowhere.

I tense a little at the sudden voice, I looked in front of me to see it was Mabel, "Oh! Hey did not see you there," I let out a small laugh, I put down the magazine I was reading, "So Wassup?"

"Uh.. So, since my bro bro, wanted to hang out with Wendy and since I have no one else to hang out with... I wanted to know if you want to hang out with me in the fair," She does the adorable puppy eyes at me.

I give it a moment of thought, "A fair, huh...? Never been to one before.. Sure why not" I shrug, "Besides who could say no to that face," I put my hand to her hair messing it up a bit.

She pouts at my action, "Yay!" She cheers genuinely, "I'll see you tomorrow then!"

"I'll be there," I reassure her, "I wouldn't miss it."

"Okay!" She runs to her brother, "Come on Dipper!" Mabel waves at me as both the twins quickly ran to the living room. So energetic.



Stan stands in front of the entrance, "There she is, Mabel; the cheapest fair money can rent. I spared every expense." Stan says with glory.

Here I am... standing at the entrance with Stan and Mabel. While Dipper tried out one of the rides to test if it's safe.

Just as Stan said, 'cheapest'- it definitely shows. The fair wasn't too big, but it was enough for people to have fun. The problem is... I don't think the rides are very 'safe'. I don't think I'll be trying out most of the rides, that's for sure.

I look at Stan, "Are you sure the rides won't just... you know- fall?" I regret saying that and I probably jinxed it. As soon as I said that- I heard screaming and one of the sky trams fell from the sky just a few feet away from Stan. "You know what never mind..."

Dipper comes out of the sky trams, he doesn't have any injury- he probably won't go any rides again. "I think the sky tram is broken. Also, most of my bones."

"Alright, alright. I've got a job for you kids." Stan pulls out a bunch of fake safety inspection certificates with an A+ on them, "I printed up a bunch of fake safety inspection certificates. Go slap one on anything that looks like a lawsuit." 

"One of the sky trams just fell.. I don't think that's 'safe' " I point towards sky tram trying to make a point.

"It's part of the experience kid!" I facepalm at his excuse, one of these days- we are so getting in trouble because of Stan.

Mabel turns to Stan, "Grunkle Stan, is that even legal? Putting these fake safety inspections."

"Sheesh. You kids ask too many questions, when there are no cops around, anything's legal!" he turns to leave, "Make sure to hang those certificates!"

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