Chapter 02 - A Not So Normal Man?

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Sigh. I'm still bored, it's been three days since I've met Dipper and Mabel, gotta say they've been fun to hang around with. Mostly everyone is hanging right here in the gift shop.

I'm just restocking some stuff. Wendy is reading another magazine at the cashier. Soos is also here, the employee that actually does a lot of work. Right now he is fixing a shelf into a wall.

"He's looking at it, he's looking at it..!" I hear Mabel whispering while hiding behind a table full of bobbleheads. Which of course is bobbleheads of Stan... I look at the person she's looking at, I think Mabel gave him a card or something. "'Do you like me?' Yes. Definitely. Absolutely..?" the kid reads off. Yeah... That's definitely rigged.

I reach out to my pocket to try and grab my phone.

Few moments of trying to find it, I remembered that I left it at the living room, because I sometimes hang out with the twins there.

I quickly went to the living room and found it on the couch.

"Yes! Phew, good thing I didn't lose it, or else my mom would kill me.." I shudder at that thought.

After grabbing my phone I went back into the room. While entering the room, I noticed Mabel pointing in my direction with her thumb.

"I stand corrected Mabel, he really did walk out of that door huh?" Dipper smirks at his sister, while his sister blushes.

"Shut up, ya dork!" Mabel says shoving her brother in the shoulder, Dipper just chuckles.

"What?" I questioned confused.

"Nothing!" Mabel quickly replies without missing a beat. Before I could say anything I hear Stan behind me, I move out of the door frame as Stan walks in.

"Alright! Look alive people, I need someone to hammer these signs at the spooky side of the forest" Stan declares as he holds up a bunch of signs, nails, and a hammer.

"Not it!" Both the twins say while holding a finger up.

"Not me also!" I say before I get picked. I tried playing it off making myself look busy. Grabbing the broom in the process.

"Uh.. also not it!" Soos interjects while screw driving a shelf into a wall.

"Nobody asked you, Soos," Stan replies.

"I'm pretty sure you did.." I mumble.

"I'm okay with that," Soos says proudly as he takes out a bar of chocolate and eats it.

"Wendy I need you to put up these signs" Stan looks over to Wendy.

Wendy remains seated and reaches through the counter in a lackluster manner, "I would... But ugh.. I can't..." She says without even looking at Stan. I chuckled at her actions.

"I'd fire all of you if I could," He sighs and looks at Dipper, "got no choice, you do it kid."

Dipper turns to Stan with wide eyes, "What?! Why me?"

"Because I said so."

He sighs, "Aww... Grunkle Stan whenever I'm in those woods I feel like I'm being watched.." he argued.

Stan facepalms, "There are no such things as a monster or anything there, kid," Stan explains to Dipper, "it's just a way to sell merch to tourists."

"I'll help you Dipper if it makes it better" I propose, "if you want anyways."

He looks at me with a grin, "Sure Will." He agreed with a thumbs up before looking back at an expressionless Stan, "is that fine Grunkle Stan?"

"Yeah yeah sure kid," he says giving Dipper all of the signs before leaving the room.

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