Chapter 13 - A Dream

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"Welp.. Time to head out." I say as the clock rings loudly- signifying that our shift was over once again.

Wendy- the only person with me right now at the gift shop. "You going somewhere?" She asked.

I turn to her, she seems to be leaving also- probably to hang out with her other friends. "I guess yeah.. Just going to explore more of Gravity Falls."

"Really? Again? My friends and I are going to hang out. You should just come with us- pretty dangerous out there."

"Hm... Maybe next time. Besides... it's part of the adventure! Ya gotta take a little risk from time to time." I chuckle, maybe I was too confident. 

"What do you even do there?" She says curiously.

I can't really say my reason to her yet... "It's just exploring when I'm boreeeed." I shrug, I can't say that I hang out with a griffin yet... Well yes- I do sometimes go to the forest just to befriend the griffin. It's just so coooool. Can't let this chance pass by. "Let's hang out another time."

She gets her stuff and says, "Sure dude. It's already noon so you better be back before it gets dark." She lightly punch my arm- a sign of affection I'd say, "See ya!" She then proceeds to leave the shack after waving goodbye.

"Have fun!" I reply and waved back. She's right though. It's noon- I don't wanna come home late or my mom would kill me...

I leave the shack and turn to the forest. It might seem dangerous but when I have nothing to do I go meet up with my friend. I wanna introduce him to the twins.. but they seem to have gone somewhere.. so that's that I guess.



I entered the forest for quite a while now. I always go to that spot where I met him. There's really nothing better than appreciating nature. 

I take a deep breath, "Ah.. Fresh air. It beats the city air. Maybe I should come back here with my other friends.." 

I remembered my friends again, every time I remember them I just frown. It really is sad to leave my friends. Though sometimes I can talk to them on the phone- but I'd really rather see them in person.

I can say that I'm really lost in thought, "Ah-!!" I tripped and rolled down a small hill for a moment before my body stopped. "I should- really- look where I'm going-.. Ugh..." That was a rough landing.

I looked at where I landed, there were crystals all over the place. "Woah... Never been to this part of the forest before..." The trees were definitely thicker here. There was only a little light getting through the trees.  The crystals were enough to lit the area though.

At the center was a large crystal few feet bigger than me. Light was shining off it- reflecting two different colors- pink and blue, from different sides. Conveniently a butterfly flies through the pink one and it becomes smaller, "Woah... I gotta stop repeating myself-.." The butterfly flies through the blue one and it became a few feet larger and flies away. "That looks so cool.."

I approached it carefully not to touch the light, "This is definitely a good souvenir!" I took one of the smaller pieces off the ground. "Good thing I'm prepared!" I take out my flashlight and attach it to the top.

I opened the flashlight and the light became blue. I looked around me trying to find something to try it on... "There!"

Somewhere on the ground was a snail. I tried the blue light and it definitely became bigger. Almost the size of a car. It probably got spooked because it went back into its shell. "Wonder if you could try to ride a snail... would that be slow?" I give it some thought, pretty sure I saw some show where they can ride a snail... "Meh. Probably some other universe."

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