Chapter 27 - Start of a day

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"That should be all today."

I stare at Bill. It's been a few days since I went to the other dimension. Everything went back to normal, well as normal as Gravity Falls can be anyway. He started teaching me again after that day.

"What do we do now? It's only been a few hours," I asked him, since I don't actually get sleep deprived I usually get taught all night- well I asked him to anyways. "You ain't going to teach me more about flying or like levitating?"

He thinks for a moment before responding, "Nah kid. You should be a master with that now." He smirks, "You're becoming more and more powerful by the moment, can say I'm impressed. Or it's probably just because I'm the greatest teacher there is," he says smugly.

I look at him blankly, "Sure... Sure you are."

"Glad you agree, Kid, don't worry I'm also proud of you," he says ignoring the sarcasm in my voice. "Anyways there's another thing I gotta discuss with you later," he says grimly. "But for now I'll teach you another power of ours."

"What do you mean discuss something?" I asked, before my eyes lits up with excitement, "Another power?"

Bill lets out a grin, "Now I have your interest? Anyway, you've seen me use it a few times already." He snaps his hands before turning back to a triangle. Then he turns into a yellow wolf with his signature bowtie; then a bird; then back to a human body again.

"Oh," I said dumbly. "Wait I can do that?!" I looked at him quite shocked.

He shrugs, "Maybe. Though you can try with appearance for now."

"Appearance? Like?"

"Ears? Eyes? Something like those. Going too far is too complicated," he laughs at me, "I don't think you can handle it now. Maybe somewhere in the future."

I glare at him, "I could totally do it." I pause for a moment, "Maybe..." I muttered.

He laughs with his voice echoing. "Sure you can kid." He snaps his finger, a wolf appearing in from of us. "Need a reference? How about you study its features? Like the ears or eyes."

"Okay... Sure." I gaze at the animal in front of me. It felt more like a statue or model rather than an animal. It felt so lifeless, now that I think about it hasn't moved once. Maybe it's because we're in my mind, either that or that's literally a statue. "That ain't alive right?"

He laughs again with a smug look, "Why don't you try to find out kid?"

I touched it for a moment as I felt its fur. Definitely doesn't feel like it's fake.

"Buddy, it's fine. It won't bite you," he remarks, "Probably."

"Not helping!" I exclaimed, "Fine you know what." I snapped my fingers while imagining the appearance of the wolf. I placed my hand on my head and felt another set of ears. "There!"

He rolls his eyes, "Alright, alright you did great. Now keep practicing!"



"Alright! I'm done!" I said while falling to the floor completely exhausted, "That took way too long without much progress!"

Bill lets out a cackle, "HA! You should see yourself, kid!" He mocks, "It's only been a few hours and you're already in the ground whining!"

"Ugh.." I groaned, "Ha. Ha. Very funny. Look in a few days I'll be able to master it!" I step up to my feet, "But nope! Not today, I'm out! I'm exhausted which doesn't make sense."

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