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Reggie POV

Now we are basically driving on car. I rested my head on my arm. Looking rather awkwardly on the scenery.

Samantha: so enjoying the view so far Reg?

I looked back at Sammy here.

Reggie: meh its fine its just like my world.

Samantha just nodded her head.

As she kept driving. Maybe this world got something for me?

Reggie: yo Sammy!

Samantha: yes Reg?

Reggie: where we going?

Samantha: oh you'll see.

Reggie: ugh. Really?

Samantha: it's a surprise.

Reggie: fine.

I just stare outside as we wait.


We know stop on a school? Really is she going to pick up somebody here?

Reggie: yo Sammy.

Samantha turned to me.

Reggie: yes Reg?

Reggie: why are we in a school? You had a sibling to fetch?

She just giggles. God that was irritating.

Samantha: no this is my school.

Reggie: yo?

Samantha: I meant I'm a student here. A middle school perhaps.

Reggie: oh ok so why?

Samantha: well basically you'll be going to live here.

Reggie: really? Dude I just finished college like 2 years ago. So can you just give me cash for a house?

Samantha: eh sorry Reg.

She says awkwardly. I just rolled my eyes.

Before rubbing it disappointed.

Reggie: so can you guys gimmie cash for a apartment.

Samantha: no you'll stay here.

Jeez guess I can't just ask for money.

Reggie: fine. I don't really care anymore.

Samantha: well let's just go.

Se grabbed my arm as she led me to the entrance.

Samantha: Reg welcome to Futa University.

Say what?

Reggie: eh come again?

Samantha: I said welcome to my school.

Reggie: no no no before that. What is this school name?

Samantha: oh its Futa University.

When she said that I felt my entire world shattered. This world has something I really hated.

Samantha just look at me confused.

Samantha: Reg are you alright.

I didn't answer but my mind is like this.


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