Chapter 8: Meet the Symbiote King!

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Karl POV

I saw the guy as he approached us.

He was not hostile cause if he was we have scented him up.

Karl: so who are you?

I ask the new guy.

Eddie: I'm Eddie Brock. Nice to meet you guys.

Karl: nice to meet you Eddie. What are you doing here?

Eddie: oh I just arrive in here a few minutes ago. But i see you guys did to those goddamn bitches. I was surprised and glad you guys can fight em off.

Karl: yeah we did.

Reggie: so Eddie what are you doing here in the first place.

Eddie: oh my I ended up here thanks to the portal.


Karl: eh portal? Where is it then?

Eddie: well it dissapeared after I went into this world.

Reggie: ehh. So where did you land Eddie?

He starts to get uncomfortable.

Eddie: at the damn castle. And you wont believe what it is!

He was getting angry.

Karl: what is it?

Eddie: all the women here are a-

Karl and Reggie: Futanari! We know.

Eddie: oh good. I really need to get home.

Karl and Reggie: and so do we! We really need to go home!

Eddie: yeah but I got an idea.

Karl: what is it?

Eddie: the futanari queen. She must be the source.

Karl: uhh dude we weren't transported here by a queen.

Eddie: huh you guys aren't?

Karl: no bro. We got here thanks to the thots. Samantha and Stacey.

Reggie: uhhh wasn't it the computer?

Karl: oh yeah? I dont get it anymore.

Eddie: so we need get out of this world.

Reggie: I agree.

Karl: me too. I can't stand these girls with dicks.

Eddie nods.

But I had a question.

Karl: hey Eddie?

Eddie: yes?

Karl: how did you escape the queen anyways?

Eddie: with my friend here venom.

Karl: Venom?

I was confused for a moment before a black inky creature of sorts sprout out of Eddie's arm.

Reggie: HOLY SHIT!!!! Is that a symbiote?!

Venom: yes I am human.

Reggie: oh my god. I thought you guys are just made up from sci-fi's.

Venom: no we do exist.

Karl: that's awesome!

Eddie: so what now?

Reggie: now. We kill this queen and go home.

Eddie: nothing will stop us.

Karl: even it means killing any Futanari we cross paths with right guys?

Eddie and Reggie nodded.

Karl: good now let's get out here.

Reggie: but what are we gonna do about the corpses.

Eddie: well Venom can just eat them though.

Venom: yes I will.

Then all the sudden Eddie and Venom morphed into a bigger and monstrous form.

They or should I say Venom ate the corpses as we just watch.

As Venom and Eddie were done.

They looked at us.

Eddie: now let's kill this bitch!

Karl and Reggie: To home.

Eddie: To home.

We then walked out of the empty warehouse. Going to kill this Queen and get home.

End of Chapter 8

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