Chapter 3: I have what?

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Reggie POV

Karl: ok kid here's what I meant. When I said earlier about the stunt you did. It's about what you did to Sammy here's shirt.

Ehhh. Does he mean by burning.

Reggie: wait do you mean b-

Karl: burning her shirt. Yes. You did by thinking about it.

Reggie: what do you mean?

Karl: dude you even thought of "Like burning that thots shirt" in Chapter 1 man.

Now I was confused.

Reggie: wait how did you?

Now I was lost of words.

Karl: know? I'm part of you now man.

Reggie: ok but you mentioned Chapter 1. What do you mean. This isn't a book.

Karl stopped talking for a moment.

Karl: never mind about that. But I'll really tell you what am I. I'm now a damned soul. A wandering soul perhaps.

Reggie: a wandering soul. How? Wait you did a ritual before?

Karl: no because I committed suicide and my soul escape from hell. But that's a story another time ok. The reason you see me it's because you didn't create me. Its because I wanted to help you man. I just like to see what my successor was doing now. But I guess I even followed you here since I was now link I you.

I can't believe I was hearing now. I was now stuck with a damned soul. But wait he'll explain to me later.

But now I need to know more.

Reggie: so dude what do you mean again by again. By burning?

Karl rolls his eyes. As he points at the grass.

Karl: say 'Burn' on the grass.

I think I should heed his advice.

Reggie: ok then. Burn.

On seconds it indeed starts to burn some students notice it.

(R/n): shit a fire!

(R/n stands for random name)

(R/n): quick put it out!

I just went to Samantha who wasn't far behind me.

Oh shit! Did I just turned like one of those anime isekai characters? This is amazing. I'm fine by my powers but not this world.

I even saw one of the staffs holding a fire extinguisher and put the fire out.

Karl: see I told you.

Reggie: holy crap that was awesome. What else can I do?

Karl: anything I guess. Maybe you have infinite and limitless powers at your disposal so far you can do anything I suppose.

Reggie: geez your acting like Beatrice from Re:Zero.

Karl's face turn into a playful one.

Karl: hey I'm not acting like Beatrice I suppose?

I just silently giggle.

Samantha and I (including Karl) was in the school.

Karl: shit this school his huge.

I gave him the glare.

Karl: hey dude I meant the school.

Reggie: ok then man.

Samantha: so Reg are you ready to meet the girls?

Reggie: eh sure I suppose.

Karl just silently laughs.

I rolled my eyes.

Samantha: ok then on the first one.

We then enter the first room.

End of Chapter 3

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