Chapter 9: Vodoo Master

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Reggie POV

We were walking on the sidewalk as we saw many women are making seductive looks at us.

But none of us were amused or interested in this thots.

We just ignored. Until one grabbed my arm from the behind.

Reggie: what the fuck?!

I yelled at the person.

She just giggles.

???: ahhh~ you don't remember me Regs?

I looked as I remember who it was.

Reggie: S-stacey

Oh shit. Its the Samantha's tomboy partner from yesterday.

Stacey: so you do remember me.

She jumped and hugged me. As I was completely not happy.

Eddie: who the fuck is this bitch?

Karl: oh god this tomboy whore from yesterday?

Stacey let's go of me and gave my friends an angry glare.

Stacey: hey what is your problems. I didn't did anything wrong. And besides who are you two?

Karl: were his friends and we try to get outta this world.

Stacey: I don't you guys will. Unless you guys have the machine back in the lab.

Karl: oh shit. Let's just go.

Reggie: yeah see ya around. Well get out of this world one way or another. Now get out of our sight.

I shoved her off as we ran away.

But unknown to us. There's another person who ended up in this world.

Dr. Faciler POV

I woken up from the throbbing pain. That happens to me.

Is this the end of me? Am i in the other side?

I slowly opened my eyes

Expecting on the other side. But as I did I was in an alleyway?

Huh an alleyway? What am I doing in an alleyway.

I rubbed my eyes and I notice I was here.

I looked at my side at there was my cane it was fixed.

Dr. Faciler: hmm guess staying here wont solve me anything.

I straightened up and look at my side and saw my shadow who was also shocked.

Dr. Faciler: I had no idea how we are still alive. But atleast were free.

I couldn't believe what happened I was defeated by a frog.

I cursed so badly that I was humiliated and got here.

I reached for the end and saw a wonderful place.

Dr. Faciler: now where am I?

I continue to move and saw many girls. There were looking at me. With those looks.

I need to find out where am I.

But as then I bumped into someone. I looked and saw....


End of Chapter 9

( I don't own Dr. Faciler. He belongs to the Disney film The Princess and the Frog).

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