Chapter 13: Road to Home Part (2/2)

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David's POV

Well this is the last straw for the queen. Were gonna make her pay for sending males here. There were like 4 or them overall (including Noah). We need to get them outta here.

Not just here. Also out of this universe. I'm gonna promise them. Including this lad Noah.

Noah: w-were are we going?

David: on the queen.

Noah's eyes went wide.

Noah: no-no you cant fight her she has m-magic.

David: oh yeah? So we are.

I flicked my fingers as electricity got out much to Noah shock as he goes back.

Noah: y-you g-guys have magic?

Faciler: yes we all 5 do.

Reggie: yeah.

All of the sudden I heard noises. When the thumping sound was heard. I looked in front and saw a guard. She was holding a gun in her hand. She was shocked as she saw us.

Guard: h-how did you got out?! And who are these 5?

Reggie: the guy who is going to kill all of you futanaris.

Reggie's eyes went gold as a rift open. The guard was scared as she aims her rifle at us.

Guard: w-wait we can talk this out!

The guard tries to reason.

Reggie: sorry bitch. But No.

As then the sword flew towards the guard and it impaled her at the wall.

The sword flew back at the rift.

Karl: cmon let's kill this fucking queen!

We then dashed forward as more guards appeared.

Reggie: Noah stay behind me!

Noah hid behind Reggie. As he opens his rift of gold as it impaled most of the guards. We kept running and running as more guards kept appearing. But they were either killed by the rifts or Dr. Faciler's shadows. It impaled through.

Some of the guards were fleeing.

Karl: oh no you fucking don't!

Karl opens a black hole as the futanari tries to run back at our direction but the power was too strong. As they were all devoured by the black hole as it close blood and organs flew out.

The stairs are closing in. Were maybe close to the queen is at.

Maybe were almost there. The throne room I guess.

But then we reached what it looked like an underground arena.

David: are you kidding me.

???: halt all of you males please surrender now! Or we attack by force!

I smirked as so is the other four.

All: No! Come and get us!

???: fine if that's what you want. Then that is what you get!

The doors opens as women appear with axes and guns. But they are no match with our powers.

They were either devoured by black holes or ripped to pieces by swords and spears. Or getting eaten by Venom and stabbed and got their souls ripped out by Faciler and me.

More bloodlust happens more Gore and such we show no mercy the battle just lasted in two minutes.

We stopped as I saw Eddie eating the other futanaris heads.

Venom: mmmm~ tasty so many choices.

We smiled in our victory much to the shock of Noah and the other males.

Noah: you guys did it!

He smiled as he hugged Reggie from the behind. With a smile on his face.

Reggie didn't know what to do but hugged the shorter white haired male.

Reggie: ok guys were done here.

???: please no more.

I looked and saw one more alive.

David: how are you still alive?

I walked slowly as I saw her almost bleeding to death.

???: why are you doing this. We did nothing to you.

David: not to us. To them. *gestures to Noah and the other males*. Now your gonna die.

???: please no!

David: for raping our kind like this. No.

With a snapped of my fingers I her neck snapped as she fell in the ground dead.

David: cmon let's kill this queen.

We find the throne room. And opened the door there in all glory the bitch who sent us here.

Queen: so you are the resistance.

Eddie: that's correct and were gonna spill your blood.

Queen: then come and get me!

She stood up as we prepared for one last fight.

End of Chapter 13.

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