Epilogue: End of the 5's adventure?

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3rd Person POV

It's been a week after we returned nothing bad happened Noah and the 3 guys got helped from the hospital to helped them from their trauma. And maybe they'll get a temporary home somewhere. They were glad they were back.

They will get outta their trauma soon enough. Faciler was fascinated about the world we live at. Reggie tell David and Jonny/Eddie that superhuman never exist here.

But in the end the guys live with Reggie.

Reggie: ahhh. Finally home. Now I can- huh?

Reggie looked at the app on his monitor again.

Reggie: what is this?

Karl: heyo Reggie what's going on?

The rest of the guys followed suit.

David: hey what happened?

Reggie: look at this new app.

The App says 'yandereworld69'

Reggie: well that's what it says.

Karl: oh ok.

Faciler: so what is that does?

Reggie: I dunno but let's press it.

As Reggie tapped it nothing happened. As the game supposed to play it goes black again.

Reggie: huh while I wait I should get a beer.

As the Reggie approach his fridge took the beer.

The guys who had nothing to do but watch Reggs play.

Just then a light appears again.

Reggie: huh?

Karl: what?

As Reggie sat on the chair he took a drink.

David: hey what happened to the monitor of yours?

Reggie: I dun- huh?

The light goes brighter.

Reggie: oh shit not again!

He fell on the ground and his beer fell off.

Reggie: no my beer!

Jonny: really? What th-

The computer starts pulling them in again.

All: OH NO!

One by one they are getting pulled in.

David: WAAAHHHHH!!!!!

Eddie: damn you Regs!!!

Faciler: no not again!!!

Karl: Regs why?!!

And lastly Regs try to hold on but he cant as he was pulled by the monitor.


And then they are gone.

The End?!

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