Chapter 4: I knew this was going to happen! I now have a secret weapon!

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Reggie POV

We know enter the room I saw on my side was Karl (which wasn't visible to anyone besides Reggie) and Samantha.

The first room is a girl with a glasses.

???: hiya Sammy! Oh whose these?

Samantha: oh Hannah this is Reggie.

Reggie: sup I'm Reggie but you can call me Reg.

Hannah: hi Reg I'm Hannah!

Karl and I groaned this is so annoying.

Karl: she reeks of so much joy.

Reggie: I agree.

Hannah: so nice to meet you! So can we hang out later?

Reggie: eh I'll pass.

Samantha: sorry Hannah. But I had to introduce Reggie to the other girls.

Hannah: ahhh~

She pouts.

Karl just smirked.

Karl: fucking annoying brats.

Samantha: cmon Reg let's go.

She now lead me (us) in another room.

I saw Karl facing the door. Once we open it we saw a girl with a hoodie.

Samantha: hi Chelsea.

The girl I assumed to be Chelsea look at us.

Chelsea: ohh. Hi Samantha who is this?

She gestures to me.

Reggie: oh heyo I'm Reggie but Reg is fine.

Karl: and I'm Karl, the damned soul from hell.

I just rolled eyes. Its obvious nobody see him beside me.

Chelsea: so a new boy here.

Samantha: that correct.

Reggie: yup.

Karl just flipped her off. With a rude face.

Karl: heya thots.

We then move to the last room.

Samantha: well the last girl.

Reggie: sure.

Karl: who the fuck is in the room?

Samantha opens the door and we saw a goth girl. God damnit.

Samantha: heya Ellie. We had a visitor.

Ellie: yes.

She looks at me and gave a smirk.

Ellie: hey cutie~

Karl and Reggie: 'Thot.'

Reggie: yo wassup I'm Reggie.

Ellie: hey Reg I'm Ellie so can w-

Reggie: no don't have the time.

Ellie: oh~ but I'll make sure you'll have a f-

Reggie: sorry no. I'm beat man.

Samantha: yeah sorry about Reg. He's just arrived earlier.

We now on the last room.

Reggie: so another girl?

Karl: please no.

Samantha: no more but this is your room.

I opened it and saw a dude like he was 17 or something.

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