Chapter 12: Road to Home (Part 1/2)

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Reggie's POV

Another day. Or is the last day on this hell. Me and the guys were going to the castle and kill their fucking queen. The Futanari Queen. She'll pay for sending us here against our will.

The time has come here it the fucking castle.

Reggie: ok guys were here?

Eddie: yes this is the end of the line.

Karl: I really wanna go home.

Faciler: alright then.

David: were ready.

Eddie: ok let's go here.

Eddie pointed at the manhole below us. I opened it up. As we ducked down here.

We descend from. The ladders and we found a large hallway.

Faciler: fascinating. So this is were the catacombs is.

David: wow smells like mice.

David looked below him.

David: oh dead mice. Shit!

Karl: keep it down Dave.

David: sorry guys.

We then moved forward and we saw many torches. Who the hell puts torches in here?

We then reached the end of the line.

David: uhhh guys? Theres nothing here.

Karl: eh shit!

Faciler: theres gotta be a secret passageway.

Reggie: wah?

I ask him.

Faciler: some catacombs has a secret passageway like torches. Quick everyone flip the torches it may be lever.

We then nodded as we try to find it. But no fucking luck.

Reggie: nothing here.

Faciler: same here.

Karl: theres gotta be a way.

Eddie: where the hell is it.

We kept tossing the torches in the water. Until.


David: hey guys I found it!

The hallway opened.

All (except David): atta boy Dave!

David smiled

David: thanks guys! 😁

We then enter inside and notice it's a dungeon.

I heard groaning and sobbing.

Reggie: hey guys can you hear that?

Faciler: yeah I do?

Reggie: cmon let's find the source.

Just then.

We saw a jail of sorts.

Eddie: it's coming from here. Here let me open it.

Eddie transformed to Venom and he opens the door easily.

As we look what's inside we are shocked.

Reggie: HOLY SHIT!

David: What the fuck!

Karl and Faciler: what happened to them?!

We saw the people inside they were men or used to be. They are strapped on a chair some are on the floor cum dripping out their asses.

Karl: Bloody Hell! Who could have done this?

Eddie was furious.

Eddie: I think it was the fucking Queen!

David was also furious.


He was furious that flames starts on his hands and body.


Faciler: calm down David. If you dis that you'll burn the entire place.

David calmed down.

David: fine but Eddie.

Eddie looked at David.

Eddie: yes?

David: let me do the last blow to her head.

Eddie nodded.

Faciler: we need to free them.

As then Faciler begins to untie the knots while Karl and David broke the objects in the room to free them.

Faciler: your free to go.

But none of them budge except for one slender looking male that can be mistaken for a female. He rushed to me and hugged me. He has a white hair and such. He was also wearing a dress.

???: t-thank you mister.

I hugged the poor boy.

Reggie: who did this to you?

???: the knights. They r-rape u-us and f-forced to act this f-feminine.

He cried as I gripped him tighter. I was mad at how they treat the males in this world.

Reggie: dont worry well help you.

???: y-you w-will?

Reggie: yes we will.

He smiles as he hug me tighter.

???: who are you?

Reggie: Reggie Maynard at your service.

???: I-im Noah. N-Noah Mitchels.

Reggie: dont worry Noah well get all of you out of here.

They are on the last straw. You Futanari bitch. Your end is near.

End of Chapter 12

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