Chapter 7: Bad Time For the Fuzz!

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Reggie POV

Good news we got away and altered our appearance and change our identities. But bad news we couldn't find the KFC.

Reggie: man where the hell is it?

Karl even for a demon couldn't starved but was craving for food.

Karl: man even I can't starved. I always crave for fried chicken.

Reggie and Karl: But where is it?

We just kept looking at anywhere the city is not even New York. I guess I should ask for directions instead.

I saw a passerby.

I approached her.

Reggie: yo do you know where the KFC is?

(R/n): sorry I don't know.

Reggie: ok then. Sorry.

(R/n): yeah see ya.

Reggie: whatever.

I just left her and return to Karl here.

Reggie: sorry man. She doesn't know where the KFC is.

Karl: damn it.

Reggie: guess where doing the old fashion way.

Karl: what is it?

Reggie: search it ourselves.

Karl: alright then. I cant starved anyway.

Reggie: I dont know for me. I think I can't since I didn't eat when I woke up.

Karl: so are we still gonna find the KFC.

Reggie: yes. I never ate KFC back at work like yesterday back at our world.

Karl: oh good point.

Reggie: so where is it?

Karl: were just gonna look for it right?

Reggie: oh yeah. Let's go.

Karl POV

In most of the afternoon we tried to find it.

But since I saw a cop. Maybe she knows where the KFC is.

Karl: yo Reg look.

I pointed at the cop.

Reggie: yo?

Karl: let's ask the cop.

Reggie: ehh? Sure why not.

I approached the police woman.

Karl: hey miss officer may I ask you a question?

Officer: yes?

Karl: do you know where the KFC is?

The officer girl looks at us for a moment before giving that smirk.

Officer: oh I know where the KFC is. Come on boys.~

Me and Reggie where not dumb. But I instead talk to him telepathically.

Karl: hey dude, do you recognize that smirk?

Reggie: yes I do, but let's ride next to her. If she did something lewd to us. Let's beat her up.

I smirked.

Karl: now we're talking.

I looked back at the officer.

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