CHAPTER1; Murder in The Woods

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The current weather conditions of Ceford Valley was ideal for a nice relaxing jog something that was often done and recommended for stress relief in the small town. The best time to go jogging in Ceford Valley was at 3am early in the morning when the sun was just starting to rise and the gentle, cool and refreshing breeze was blowing, locals were often seen jogging down the main street or thought the forest path. The forest path was a more popular option as it provided the lush scenery of beautiful trees and the beautiful splash of the morning sky. Due to these reasons, sixteen year olds Anna Beck and Sandra Woods decided to go jogging, the best friends were on the track team so it was not uncommon for them to jog this early. What was uncommon was what happened when they went jogging this very morning.
Sandra as usual was at their meeting place, waiting for Anna who was always late, she glanced at her watch 2:50, the girls had decided to go jogging earlier than usual because of their race tomorrow. She had just finished warming up when she heard a soft chomping noise, she frowned, the noise came again and again, Sandra frowned as she pushed through the overgrown roots and bushes. A deer was chomping on some leaves near by, Sandra sighed calming her racing heart, but it was cut short when the deer turned towards her eyes filled with horror and panic, Sandra stumbled backwards, the deer would have run into her but a pair of green hands with black claw like nails grabbed the deer by the ankles and yanked it backwards, Sandra's heart beat faster as she heard monstrous chomping noises from the bushes where the deer had disappeared. Sandra ran through forest not caring if tree branches scraped her. She stopped she had strayed off the forest path and was now in the dead center of the forest, with her heart beating wildly she took refuge behind a huge tree, she peeked out from behind the tree, when she saw nothing she exhaled In relief, until she felt something breathe down her neck and in her ear, she screamed and tried to run she didn't get far as vines and tree branches wrapped themselves around her limbs, abdomen, ankles and throat, she screamed as the roots tightened digging into her flesh, she thrashed and struggled as the roots wrapped around her ankles yanked off she feet, tears streamed down her face as she desperately clawed at the ground trying to break free but it was too late...
Anna Beck bit her bottom lip as she jogged to the spot where she normally  met up with Sandra. She had texted Sandra that she would be later than usual cause she overslept but there was no response, which was worrying because Sandra usually replied within seconds. "Sandra!" She called out. No reply. "Sandra where are you?!" She called again. Still no reply. She sighed as she trudged through the forest looking for her best friend. She had wondered into the center of the forest when she spotted a small pool of blood, the pool was getting larger as more blood dropped, with a racing heart Anna glanced up. She screamed and hurriedly grabbed her phone she was about to dial 911 when she heard a deep inhumane growl, it grew louder with each passing second. Anna ran through the forest stumbling down the forest path and deeper into the forest, she hid behind a huge oak tree and dialed 911, as she dialed the number she could feel something breathing down her neck "hello this is 911 state your emergency" "myfriendSandrahenderson...." Said Anna breathlessly as she ran "hold on I need you calm down" "I can't I can't something's...." She screamed as something grabbed her ankles and yanked her off her feet, she hit her head on a stone and blacked out, her phone on the ground, "hello?" "Hello!"
      Sage Noria yawned as her mom's phone rang, "I have to take this" said her mom, as she lowered the volume of the latest tv series her mom had just been obesessed, she glanced at the clock above the flat screen tv in their apartment it was 3:20am and judging by her mother's career qualifications, someone must have been murdered. She turned to her mother lowering the volume some more so she could hear what her mother was saying, she could only pick up bits of the conversation like " body and a girl missing" "A 911 call?" "In the forest", Sage watched as her mother heaved a sigh and ended the call, "I've got to go sweetie, I'll see you later" said Mrs. Novia "okay" Sage replied, she watched as her mother slipped on her coat and left the house. She waited for a full ten minutes before she got off the couch and quickly padded into her bedroom, she grabbed her backpack from under her bed, it was stuffed with the essentials like a flashlight, two cereal bars, some cash, a raincoat and a pen-knife, she slipped on her coat zipping it to the top before swinging her backpack over her shoulders. She should really be sleeping since she had a field trip to the Ceford Labotory later this morning but her mom didn't object when she decided to binge watch Friends with her so she figured as long as she remained out of sight she should be fine, besides two bodies in one day that was definitely something worth checking out.
          Reese Norman watched as his stepmother, Sara grabbed her kit of tools (dissecting tools, she's a pathologist). Reese could only assume that someone had been murdered and from the look on Sara's face gruesomely, he grinned from behind the crack of his door, rejoicing that his bedroom was downstairs and that Sara didn't seem to notice him, he had overheard her phone call and knew the main gist of the story, someone was murdered and a girl was missing in Ceford Valley forests, he grabbed his phone and texted his best friend Adriàn;
Reese grabbed his coat and made his way outside.
Adriàn Allepido groaned he was dozing off peacefully when his stupid beat friend Reese texted him, judging from the amount of emojis in his text it must be something good, "better be worth it" Adriàn grumbled as he threw on a shirt and a jacket, before leaving his house.
Kimberly yawned as she tried to keep her eyes from shutting, her best friend Haylee had already passed out moments ago. Kimberly sighed as she shut down her laptop. Haylee and her had decided to do a sleepover at her house since their field trip was the following day, they were watching Teen Wolf when Haylee dozed off, she snuggled down into her duvets and was about to close her eyes when the high pitched cry of the police sirens woke her up she groaned in frustration as Haylee groaned and woke up "what the hell are the police officers doing at this ungodly hour?!" Haylee groaned, Kimberly frowned as she watched the police cars disappear into the woods, "there must have been five police cars out there, I wonder what's going on" said Kimberly "then let's find out" said Haylee as she tossed Kimberly a flashlight.
Irena groaned in frustration she really ought to be sleeping but her adorable gold retriever; goldie, needed to go, so she was outside by the fence that sperated her house from the woods, in nothing but a thin silk nightgown. She was about to doze off when the sound of the police sirens jerked her out of her sleepy state, she frowned the sirens were so loud and she could guess that there were about five cars but why that many, the biggest incident Ceford Valley ever was when Ms. Edwin set her newspaper on fire, this was diffinately big, although she wanted to head back inside to sleep so she could be well rested for her field trip later that morning, her curiosity was getting the better of her, as she ushered Goldie Into the house, shut the door behind her and made her way to the woods climbing over the fence.
Callum Brent could hear the voice of his foster father Bill Brent as he argued with the person on the other end of the phone, Cal watched as Bill grabbed his army coat and sheriff's badge before leaving the house. Cal ran back to his room and called his brother Cam luckily Bill had agreed to give Cal a walkie-talkie he could use to contact his twin brother Cameron, "Cam" he called, his brother replied with a sleepy groan "something big is happening in the forest tonight there's a search party going out I think they're looking for something" said Cal, "seriously?" Said Cam "uh-huh, Bill just left right now" said Cal, "I'll meet you in the forest" said Cam "okay" said Cal.
Ava Addams watched as her mother slipped on her coat, her mom worked for the emergency department at Ceford Valley, "we're you going?" She asked "there's an emergency something happened in the forest" her mother replied as she raced out of the apartment. Ava frowned "an emergency the worst her mother had to de with was a lady going into early labor, something was definitely wrong and she was going to find out. She grabbed her coat and a flashlight then headed out to the forest.
William couldn't sleep. He was always awake and today wasn't any different, he groaned and rolled over, looking at his best friend Jake who was fast asleep on his couch, his face seemed more relaxed than usual his dark curly messy dark brown hair was so messy some of it was on his face, "I can feel you staring, what do you want?" He grumbled "I can't sleep" said William, Jake snorted "can we go for a jog in the woods?" Will asked "sure why not" Jake replied.
Freddie Hathaway sighed he couldn't sleep, no matter how much he forced himself heck he even counted sheep, 1,209 sheep to be exact. Most nights Freddie could still feel the adrenaline from the day coursing through his veins it made him restless and jumpy but he would usually play video games or read a novel or watch neyfl but today the adrenaline ea coupled with something else; boredom, which meant no matter what he tried to do he still felt utterly bored and restless which was kind of an irony, he glanced outside, the foresy wasn't too far from his house, "guess I could take a walk or something" he muttered under his breath as he slipped on his running shoes and a coat.

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