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Aric leaned against the soft leather seats of his therapist's office, he watched as she took her time stirring her coffee and humming quietly to herself when she was content she dropped the teaspoon on the saucer and raised the cup to her lips and took a small sip, she dropped the cup on the saucer before turning to face Aric, "so how are the new drugs?" She asked, "they're crap" he replied simply, she raised an eyebrow, "what? you said you wanted me to be anytime we have a session so I'm being honest the drugs are crap" he said, Mrs. Sanders sighed "have you been taking them?" She asked "yes! Every single freaking day and nothing is happening!" He said raising his voice "calm down" said Mrs. Sanders "no I will not calm down! I have been taking these drugs and nothing is happening! The voices are getting louder and I am loosing my freaking mind!" He yelled "Aric calm down and breathe" she said "no! I'm leaving" he said grabbing his leather jacket and left the office.
He stopped his mom was as usual behind the desk as the receptionist but someone was leaning against the desk, making her laugh from where he was it looked like a girl, with curly black locks of hair and a well toned line body hidden by a somewhat delicate frame, only one person looked like that. Reese Norman. He groaned his day was already off to a rough start now he just had to bump into him, as he got closer he could hear his mom laughing at something he said, "you're a womanizer" she teased as she wiped away her tears, Reese grinned back at his, his lopsided and goofy grin, Aric cringed and rolled his eyes, Reese Norman was definitely NOT a womanizer, "mom I'm going home" he said totally ignoring Reese's existence, "already?" His mom asked "yeah, I already told Sanders the drugs are crap" he said "Aric!" She said, "what?" He asked as his mother shook his head, "never mind that, I want you to meet Reese the boy your age I've been telling you about" she said, Aric groaned inwardly as he turned to face Reese, "I know him already, we go to the same highschool" said Reese, he was no longer grinning instead he was glaring at him, Aric rolled his eyes, Reese still looked the same just a bit more boyish, with his locks of soft glistening curly black hair that he saw most girls spending hours with a curling stick trying to achieve, eyes were like swirling pools of onyx, framed with long thick lashes and perfectly arched black eyebrows, white skin that glistened in the sun, and small plump red-pink lips, okay so he was totally girly looking but his body was toned now and his girl like curves had disappeared and he stopped wearing unisex clothing, today he was wearing a black baggy sweater and matching joggers with white sneakers. Aric sighed "I know him too mom but I don't like him at all" said Aric, Reese rolled his eyes "neither do I" he said "great we have a mutual understanding" said Aric as he walked past him purposely knocking his shoulder as he left, he grinned to himself as Reese winced in pain muttering curses under his breath.
Aric climbed his motorcycle reeving the engine which spluttered and then stopped, he groaned "come on" he muttered as he tried again. Nothing. Again. Yet nothing. Giving up he got down and dialed his mechanic, "um, hey Devon-" "I'm sorry I can't come today I'm out of town" said Devon as he cut the call, "great" Aric muttered under his breath as a horn honked behind him, "will you please stop pressing the horn!" Aric yelled as Reese grinned from behind the steering wheel "you're in my way" he said "well use another way cause I'm going to be here for a long time" he said, Reese frowned "your motorcycle isn't working?" He asked, "yes" Aric replied,"I'll drive you home" he said Aric frowned at him "I thought you hated me" he said "I do but I'm not a douchebag" he said as Aric groaned and entered the car, "so where to?" Reese asked "crescent street" Aric replied, as Reese drove the car out of the hospital.
The ride was long, silent and uncomfortable, mostly for Aric, somehow in Reese's car the voices were getting louder from simple whispers to loud screeching he winced as the voices screamed in his ear "are you okay?" Reese asked as he stopped the car he sounded concerned "yeah, I've just got to take my drugs" he said as he grabbed his drugs from his pocket and took two pills, the voices calmed and Reese started the car again, all the while Aric could still hear them clearly whispering "the dead are coming, the dead are coming"

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