Times Get Harder

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A few days before school started back, I took the Evans and Potter's to an amazing steakhouse. Severus and I schooled the Potter's the best we could on how to act muggle, however, dinner was a disaster. James kept telling the Evans about Quidditch, Sirius kept asking questions about muggle objects, such as the television, Mr. and Mis. Potter kept asking for Firewhisky. Severus, Lily and I spent most of the dinner changing the subject. I had them talk about their jobs, their differences in schools and every day life.

Patunia was the only one not having a good time. It didn't help that Sirius and I kept flirting with her. We were all exceptionally nice to her, which seemed to make her more angry, which just made us be even more nice. Getting to know the two families worked out wonderful for me. I learned all about them just by watching them. Lily blushed every time James looked at her, which made Severus and I wink at her, which led to her blushing even more. Soon the outing ended though and the next thing I knew, we were back at school.

Things at school had changed a bit. The Slytherins now showed me respect. They made it a point to talk to me when I passed them in the halls, or if I sat with them at breakfast. Severus was spending more and more of his time with his Slytherin friends. I would hang out with them from time to time, but I really didn't like being around them. Most of their talk was about the Dark Lord and how his view on things were the only way. Severus though, did as I expected and joined in with them, agreeing with them. Lily started complaining about Severus becoming dark again a few months after school started. James laughed and said we were now acting like true sisiters.

Soon enough though, we were all once again trapped in Houses United studying. This year's exams were extremely important so the other Marauders joined us for study as well. Day after day we all attended classes, did homework and studied. Pranks were less because we were all so wrapped in preparing for the O.W.Ls. Teachers handed out more and more homework. Everyone was stressed. I was stressed as well. I seemed to forget I already knew all this and got wrapped up in the study rutine. I'm pretty sure Lily and Alice's panic had something to do with that.

At the Slytherin table, Bellatrix and Nott asked me for help with their studies and that's how breakfast went. Everyone was so caught up in the O.W.Ls we forgot about the suits we wore daily. Chris approached us one day and asked how things were going with our suits. This made me realize I was moving and training just as well as before the suits.

I dropped my charms book and ran outside and got Jessie. "I'll race you,  three laps around the Quidditch pitch. One race with the suits, one without."

"You're on!" Jessie cried and we took off to the Quidditch patch. I noticed the Marauders, Frank, Severus, Alice, Lily, Chris and Sherry following us. Chris stood between the two of us and told us when to go.

I won the first race by a slide, we both crossed at the same time the second race. After that, Chris, Jessie and I had a all out duel. The others watched us in awe. Our speed and reflexes had greatly improved by the suit. I invited Severus to join me and we dueled, Severus and me vs Jessie and Chris. The duel lasted close to an hour. I tagged Remus and Frank and Chris tagged James and Sirius and we switched places. The duel between them went on a hour and I called Peter to the center and dueled him. This duel didn't last as long but he had improved greatly.

"So, ready for the next step?" Jessie asked and I laughed at her.

"Medically, we need to wait a few weeks to let our bodies adjust to its new weight before we do another dramatic change. So after exams." I stated.

"Actually Amy, because you're only going up 50 pounds, you can start next week." Sherry said and this made me and Jessie jump in excitment.

Two weeks before exams, three weeks after putting on the new suits, Lily and I got into another large argument about Severus. I defended Severus like I always did and stormed off to go running. Severus happened to be walking by and heard the whole argument, again. He came after me and ran beside me.

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