That Meddling Old Fool

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December passed quickly, as did January. Professor McGonagall had gotten to were she would also come every other Saturday and stay the day with the twins and I. She even came to a Quidditch match at Georgia Magic which was funny because she kept looking for the Slytherins and Gryffindors, something we didn't have at this school. Our teams were picked by the Quidditch coach and he also picked the caption for the teams.

Soon enough, it was February. Professor McGonagall and I were walking around the school grounds during my break.

"I've yet to see snow." Professor McGonagall observed.

"It doesn't snow in south Georgia." I stated.

"Really? No snow?"


"Well what do the children do for fun in the winter if there is no snow?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"No clue, Jessie and I use to play ball or Quidditch."

We continued our walk in peace. After that we had two more classes before it was time for lunch. During lunch Julie was talking to Professor McGonagall about the difference in Georgia Magic and Hogwarts. Professor McGonagall ended up giving her Hogwarts, a History (JK Rowling owns this.) Which she was excited to start reading. Charlie also enjoyed having Professor McGonagall here for they talked about transfiguration a lot. Turns out he was a transfiguration master as well. I was listening to them go over Animagus forms when I smelt something I had not smelt in a long time. I jumped up panicked and drew my wand. Professor McGonagall could see the panic in my eyes and stood as well, drawing her own wand. I quickly hid myself behind her, also adding a notice me not charm on myself. Charlie and Julie, along with the other teachers and students all looked around for what was wrong.

"Amy..." Professor McGonagall started.

"Shush and get him out of here!" I whispered harshly as I smelt the smell get closer. With in a few moments I heard the door to the lunchroom open and close.

Julie gasped and Professor McGonagall put her wand away and said very sternly. "What brings you here?"

"Albus has sent me with a message for you." Severus stated. I could feel him looking around. "I should be asking you the same question. I always wondered where you went off to every Wednesday."

"That is non of your business." Professor McGonagall snapped and I heard Severus hand her a paper. I heard the paper unfold and knew she was reading it. I stayed hidden behind her, wand still out. I then heard her crumble the paper up and she said sternly. "Tell that meddling old fool I will do no such thing."

"As you wish." Severus sneered. "Tell me, is Hogwarts not good enough for you anymore? You had to come teach at another school."

"That is non of your business Severus Snape. You should take your leave."

"Where are we anyway?" Severus asked and I knew he was once again looking around.

"Severus, leave here at once." Professor McGonagall once again snapped.

Just then I heard the doors open again and almost groaned at who I knew it to be. I heard Harry say, quite panicked. "Hey dad, I was wondering if I could show you something. Or we could play Quidditch."

Professor McGonagall did groan. "Potter, leave here."

"Quidditch? Since when do I play Quidditch? Surly you have not mistaken me for James."

"I mean work on a potion. Yeah a potion." Harry lied.

"Do not lie to me Harry. What are you two hiding? How did you know I was here?"

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