Moving On

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Four months had passed since Severus once again walked out of my life. He would still come visit from time to time, and I would go visit him sometimes, but our friendship was different then it was before. We were more distant then we were when I married Remus. Jessie and Sirius were regular visitors now and I visited them regularly. Harry decided to teach the twins how to use the floo and they now spent more time in England then they did in America, which I found funny. I chose to live in England so many years ago, and now my children were as well. They were still home every night for bed, and they still went to muggle school in America. Hermione loved helping them learn to read and write.

I hadn't seen Severus in over a week and I couldn't deny that I missed him. I pushed through my classes though, deciding I would go visit him after my day was done. Sleeping still wasn't something I did often, nightmares keeping me awake, so I knew I was grouchy. When the final class left, I made my way to my rooms and went through the floo to Severus's chambers. He was not there so I sat and waited on him. I sat there till well after midnight before going to Albus and asking him if he had seen Severus.

"He told me he was going out tonight. I figured he had gone to see you." Albus said and I shrugged and went back to my rooms. Severus was not there, however, there was a note on my bed in his handwriting. I opened the letter.


I am sorry it has been so long since we have last spoken but I have done a lot of thinking lately. I can't handle it anymore. I miss you Amy. I can't handle being just friends and I know I can't have more. I think it's time we truly went our separate ways. I will always love you my dear Amy, but it seems, love was not enough for us. I do hope you find your happiness, because I know you are not happy, no matter what you show the world. Please stay safe and take care of yourself. I love you, Always.

Severus Snape

I reread the letter a few times and cried myself to sleep that night. It did not take long for me to get back to my life without Severus. Jessie and Sirius both tried many times to set me up on dates, which never worked because I was not interested in dating. Julie had become a regular visitor to my rooms and on trips to England. The students at Georgia Magic loved that I was no longer so harsh on them. I was also more friendly with the rest of the staff and we would hold poker night in the staff room every Friday night, which Sirius and Jessie normally showed up for. Jessie always kept me informed on how Severus was going, so did Harry and my little ones who would still go visit him. He was his same old grouchy self, from my understanding.

Professor McGonagall and I still held our Wednesday teas. Having her back in my life really helped me heal after those few days with Remus. It also helped after Severus ended our friendship. Life went by pretty smoothly for me over the next two years. I even got together with Gary and we started a dueling club at Georgia Magic and Jessie and Sirius started one at Hogwarts. We would take the winners from each grade at the schools and have them duel for money. Once we even held a real dueling competition between the two schools. Severus never showed up for these when we had them at Hogwarts, nor did he come to the ones we had at Georgia Magic. We also held Quidditch matches between the two schools. I chose not to join these so Severus could. I knew he wouldn't show if I was there.

Julie had gotten with Severus on many occasions, trying to start up a club for potions between the schools, but Severus always slammed the door in her face. Jessie had tried hooking Severus up with Julie once, which I got to see the results of seeing as they both showed up badly injured. I continued to teach transfiguration, though I helped Julie start her potions club and the best potions students from both schools would join and we would teach them more advanced potions normally not taught unless you went off to get your mastery in potions.

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