Time With Moony

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Remus took me back to our old home. It was a little dusty and smelled of cats. I scrunched up my nose and Remus laughed. "We rented it out to a muggle woman for a while. She had tons of cats."

"Stupid muggle woman." I muttered, making Remus laugh again. I looked at him for a moment then smiled, "So, that's quite the adventure you and I had."

"It was." Remus said, he looked unsure though.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's been hard you know, pretending nothing happened between us all these years." Remus said, his eyes full of sadness.

"I'm sorry Remus. The more I think about it, the more I realize I should have just lived in one time at a time." I said, wishing I could pull him close to me.

"Why didn't you?" Remus asked.

"The first time, after 4th year, I came back because I never even thought about actually staying. After that, it was because I missed Harry a lot when in the past. I've grown really attached to him." I said.

"What are you going to do now?" Remus asked.

"I'm going to tell Severus that we can not be together. I love him, you know I love that man, but I'd just be setting myself up for another heart break. I know you have Hermione now, I'm happy for you. I'm gonna continue to be the badass soldier I've always been. Soldiers are not meant to fall in love. We fight, that's our life." I said.

"You're more then just a soldier to us Amy. We all love you." Remus said.

"I know. I'm tired Moony, I think I'm gonna take a nap." I said and Remus helped me to my room to sleep.

I woke up the next morning to loud talking in the kitchen. I tried to get up myself, but found myself unable to do so, though I was able to sit myself up and move my legs, though it hurt. I fell trying to stand up and Remus, Harry, Sirius, Ron and Hermione all ran into my room panicked a moment later to see me laying on the floor, scowling.

"Amy, what on earth are you doing?" Remus asked, helping me up and sitting me on the bed.

"Trying to walk." I grumbled.

"Are you hungry? You want to eat here or in the kitchen? Do you want me to change your clothes for you first?" Remus asked.

"I need a shower before I change clothes and breakfast sounds great. I'd like to go to the kitchen." I grumbled.

Remus picked me up and carried me downstairs, Sirius was behind us laughing. "What's so funny?" Harry asked.

"This isn't the first time Amy has been unable to do things herself. Remember 5th year?" Sirius asked.

"I try not to." Remus mummbled.

"That is not funny Padfoot. I'll kick your ass once I'm able to!" I snapped.

"Someone is in need of some coffee." Remus teased and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"And I love my Moony bite. It's one of my favorite scars. Right next to Killers bite." I said.

"So, we were wondering, how are you going to do the beginning of the year prank if you can't walk?" Ron asked and Hermione hit him.

I laughed then thought for a moment. "I can't let anyone know I'm hurt. Voldemort will remember giving me these injuries way back when. Remus, would you be willing to go as me under Poloyjuice?" I asked.

"Sure, but only for the beginning of year prank. I'm not leaving you alone for to long." Remus said.

"Oh I'll be fine." I said, annoyed.

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