Finishing The School Term

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School seemed to fly by. Classes were way to easy for me, therfore I spent most of class coming up with pranks for the twins and I to pull. Jessie did the same, we were all officially the Mini Marauders. After doing homework,  Severus and I stayed busy grading his papers or making potions for the school, hospitals and we had tons of orders for the Brain Potion. Loads of families were being reunited with loved ones who suffered brain trama. We split the money from that one with Harry and the Longbottoms.

I used Harry's share to start him up a personal savings. This would be his money to spend as he pleased. Once he started school, he would start helping make the potions. Severus agreed with this idea, he liked that Harry would have all kinds of spending money, and that he would be working for it. Remus had already begun teaching Harry about wizarding money. Sirius and Harry practiced on his broom every weekend, though the boy needed no help, he was a excillent flyer.

On Sundays, I would make a report to my boss, along with Jessie and Chris. He was viewing this as a way to build our relationship with England. Nothing interesting really happened and boredom was getting the best of me. Severus seemed to notice this so the last week of the term, he dragged us all to some surpise he was planning. Sirius, Harry, Remus, Jessie, the Weasley twins and I met with him at my house in America.

From there we got in a car and Severus drove us for what seemed like forever. He said he learned to drive so I wouldn't have to be the designated driver in the muggle world all the time. I kissed him for this. It didn't take me long to figure out where we were going. He was taking us to Six Flags of Georgia. I was super excited. When we pulled up, the twins looked around in confusion.

"Oh! You are going to love this!" Jessie cried, jumping out of the van.

"Wow! I've never been to an amusement park before." Harry said in awe.

"Oh this is going to be so much fun! Thank you Severus!" I said hugging and kissing him.

"I still can't get use to that." Fred stated looking sick.

"I can't either." Sirius and George said, both looking disgusted.

I sent a small stinging hex to both of them. The day at the amusement park was just what I needed. Once the twins realized what it was, they grew excited. We all road every ride we could, ate hot dogs and chips, drank water and soda. It was a all around good day. The sun had gone down hours ago before we made it back to my home in England. I sent Harry home and told Sirius and Remus goodnight and the rest of us made our way back to the school. Severus and I made it to his room and showered together, then got in to bed.

"How long will you be gone from this time?" Severus asked.

"Unless I decide to make trips to the future, I should only be gone a hour." I said.

"Damn." Severus said. I looked at him questionly. "You and Lily get into a huge fight shortly after you get there, you come back to this time."

"Then you'll still see me a hour after I leave. Then once I get over it and go back, an hour after whatever time I leave." I kissed him.

"The next few years are not going to be easy ones." Severus said. I knew he was talking about past years.

"Nothing in life is easy. It wouldn't be life if it was."

"You and I are going to get in a fight as well."

"Awe! Our first fight. I'm excited." I stayed making him roll his eyes.

"It's a pretty bad one, I didn't think you'd ever speak to me again." Severus said, he looked sad, I kissed him again.

"My dear Severus,  nothing in this world could make me give up on us. I already know we are going to go through tough times. We are going to be in a war, war does not make things easy. To make things worse, you've lived the first war already, I've yet to do so, but right after I return from that war, the second war will be coming fast."

"What makes you say that?"

"I can feel it. There is something very bad coming. It's going to start next year, but will be in full swing in just a few short years."

"You could be a seer."

I laughed,  "Chris and Jessie have told me the same thing."

"You ever been tested?"

"No, I don't want to be. I just listen to my gut. It's never been wrong. Does Chris make a good teacher?"

"The best we have, besides Jessie. They pretty much tie."

"Jessie? A teacher?"

"6th year." Severus said laughing.

'' Oh boy! I'm excited about that one."

When end of term finally came, Severus looked extremely worried. He stood in the shadows watching me as I hugged the twins goodbye. Once all the students but me and Jessie had left, he walked over to me. "Things are about to change for you."

"Change is going to happen Severus. Do you not want me to return to the past?" I asked, I didn't show it, but he was scaring me.

"I definitely want you to. I don't think I could make it this far without you. Just know, things are about to get a lot harder. Including our relationship. I don't make things easy." Severus looked sad. I kissed him.

"If it was easy, it would be boring. I'll be ok. We will be ok. I love you."

He smiled at me and kissed me long and hard on the lips, "I'll be waiting. I love you."

We all walked to Professor Dumbledore office and he welcomed us with a smile.  Jessie, Chris, Sherry and I stood around and I took my time turner out. I smiled at Severus as the world spent around us and we were once again standing in front of Professor Dumbledore in the past.

"Welcome back. The students will be here shortly. Shall we make our way down to the Great Hall? Miss Links fix your glamors back please."

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