The Pink Toad

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After the feast, I made my way to Houses United, along with Jessie, the twins, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Neville and some random blonde chick I did not know. Remus was sitting there waiting for us. I walked up and hugged and kissed him.

"That was some story you told there. Can't believe you left out so much detail." Moony said.

"I had to be careful. A lot of what went on was private." I said.

"I know, I think you got your point across." Remus said, holding me close to him, then he noticed the blonde. "Who's the chick?"

"Your new girlfriend." I replied without much thought making him laugh.

"In perfectly happy with you, thank you very much."

"This is my friend Luna Lovegood. She would like to join our training." Ginny said, unsure if she was actually allowed to bring anyone here.

"Luna, welcome to House United." I said.

"Why thank you." The girl said in a dreamy voice and I looked at Ginny.

"She's a little off." Hermione grumbled and I laughed.

"Well, a little is better then completely. I mean, we do have Sirius in this group." I said as he walked in.

"Hey! Don't be talking bad about me." Sirius said.

"How do you know it was bad?" Harry asked.

"Because it came from Shadow." Sirius said, making us laugh.

Professor McGonagall and Severus walked in shortly after and Professor McGonagall looked at me sternly. "Amy, you must be careful this year. Umbridge is not someone to take lightly."

"Neither is Voldemort, and here I am, his second in command." I said, bored.

"Amy please, be careful." Professor McGonagall pleaded.

"I will Professor. I promise."

"So what prank are you thinking of repulling?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"Can't tell you that Professor. You'll find out soon enough." I said with a smile. Professor McGonagall took a deep breath and walked out, I looked at the others in the room. "Want to help us set up the most epic prank ever?"

"I'll help." Ron said.

"Sounds fun." Luna agreed as Frank and Alice walked in.

"What sounds fun?" Alice asked.

"Setting up the beginning of the year prank the Marauders pulled for 7th year." Remus said.

"Oh! Can I help this time?" Frank asked.

"I want to help again too!" Alice said excitedly.

"I'm in." Harry said and Neville agreed to help as well. Everyone looked at Hermione.

"Hermione, Lily helped pull it in 7th year." Alice said.

"Oh all right. Do we at least get to know what the prank is?" Hermione asked.

"No." Jessie, Remus, Sirius, Severus and I said at once.

"I'm not even telling the twins." I said.

"What do we have to do?" Neville asked.

"We need to start slowly sneaking to the Great Hall. It will be set up there. Come on Padfoot, we will make sure the cost is clear." I said, transforming into a wolf. Sirius transformed into Padfoot and we made our way to the Great Hall. I sent Severus to let the others know it was safe to come.

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