The Ministry

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Returning to school really had my stress level up, which was not good for me, seeing as I was pregnant. All of the upper class Slytherins had been ordered to look after me, plus all of the upper class Gryffindor was following me around, making sure I never over did things. This was starting to really piss me off, but I had no choice but to follow along with it. Sirius was also following me around everywhere as Padfoot, making sure I was safe. The only good thing that came from this was how well Slytherin and Gryffindor were getting along. Professor McGonagall had banned me from the Quidditch team, for fear I would hurt the baby. I was however, able to go to Hogsmaid for Valentines day. Remus and I had ourselves a nice date in Hogsmaid which ended up being a picknick by the Shrinking Shack. I also learned that Harry gave a interview for the Quibbler, a magazine Lunas father ran, which I had found pretty interesting, though Hermione complained it was nothing but rubbish. I happened to enjoy the rubbish in it and entertained myself by speaking like Luna whenever Hermione was around. I noticed something was going on with Hagrid and asked him about it multiple times, however he always told me it was to dangerous for me while I was pregnant.

Going from being in the center of everything, to being the one everyone watched really bugged me. I was use to being in the fights and arguments and pranks. Another thing I wasn't allowed to do. Severus was the one that banned me from pranks saying that some of our pranks were dangerous and that two very intelligent people created the baby inside me, he would not let it become a prankster.

"Severus, two intelligent people might have created this baby, but they are also two Marauders, of course she'll be a prankster." Was my response to this.

When Umbitch banned the Quibbler, I couldn't help but laugh. Little did she know, she helped get Harrys interview out by doing this. Severus also found it highly amusing. In March, we were able to actually find out the sex of my baby, though I was sure it was a girl. I was laid down in my bed in Houses United. Remus and I were the only ones in the room other then Sherry who was my Healer. The others were in the main part of Houses United, waiting for the results. Sherry set up and ultrasound, the magical way. This worked the same as the muggle way, only she placed her wand on my stomach after creating a screen. She moved the wand around on my stomach, then stopped suddenly. There was a look of shock on her face. "Amy, we have a problem."

I started to panic, as did Remus, "What's the problem?" I asked.

"You are the correct size and weight for being five months pregnant.....with one child. There happens to be two showing up and one is really small." Sherry said.

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking at the screen myself. There was indeed two babies. One was also twice the size of the other.

"What do we do?" I asked.

"I'm going to have to put you on bed rest Amy. I'm taking you home for a while. You will have to take nutrition potions a few times a day. We need to get your little girl the same size as your little boy." Sherry said, kissing my head and taking a picture of the ultrasound.

"Told you we were having a girl." I said a bit uneasy.

"Let's go to our home out here. Jessie and Sirius can stay in the home on Private Drive during the summer and me you Severus and Harry in our home." Remus said, clearly worried.

"That would work out great, Chris and I can't really leave England now that Voldemort is back. We are needed here." Sherry said and I agreed to this.

Remus helped me up and we walked into the main room. I gave them a week smile and called Harry to me. "So Harry, I have to leave for the remainder of the school year."

"Why?" Harry asked worried. I noticed the others looking at me worried as well.

"Because I was right, we are having a little girl, we are also having a little boy." I said and Hermione looked really worried.

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