Going Out With a Bang Part 2

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The weeks passed by quickly. James and Severus tried to change themselves, but I smelt the Poloyjuice potion, however, we didn't waste that prank. We kept them taking it all day, and the looks we received when Lily would kiss James (who looked like Severus ) or I would kiss Severus (who looked like James) was priceless. Professor McGonagall also noticed this and when we were in her class decided to question us.

"Miss Links, why are you all over Mr. Potter today?"

"I'm not." I replied, smiling. Professor McGonagall looked at us for a moment, then held us all back after class.

"Since when is poloyjuice legal?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"Lily and I switched places the other day, though we didn't tell the boys." I said.

"Severus, since when do you participate in such foolishness?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"Since I became a deatheater and realized just how bad the outside world is. The Marauders are right for once, we need to enjoy our last year in the safety of these walls." Severus said.

"While I have you two hear together and alone, prepare yourself, Lily Evans is going to join me for my 4th year at Hogwarts in my time." I said.

"Amy, is that really wise?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"Nope, neither was bringing Harry and Sirius to this time. However, we all know what happens, I'll do what I can to make them happy till the end." I said.

"You make it sound like I'm dead in your time." Lily said.

"You are." I said. Severus and Professor McGonagall looked at me. "She says she can handle the truth, let her handle it. That's why I brought Harry back this year. He wanted to see what you and James are like."

"I...I'm dead." Lily whispered in shock.

"Yes." I said.

"By who?" Lily asked.

"Voldemort." I said.

"Who has Harry?" Lily asked.

"Severus and I adopted him. That's why we are so close to him. That's also why Sirius and I are so protective of him in this time." I said.

"How old was he when it happened?" Lily asked.

"15 months." I said.

"Who had him before you returned from our 4th year?" Lily asked.

"Patunia." I said.

"That's why you are so closed up about the future. I mean, I know you told is two of us die, but I never expected. I don't know who..." Lily stummered.

"You sure you still want to go to the future with me for a year?" I asked. After a few moments of silence Lily nodded.

"Yes. I still want to go see it." Lily said.

"You can't tell anyone what I have told you." I said.

"Not even James?" Lily asked.

"Not even James. I'll erase your memory once we return from my time. I figured you should have some time to get over that shock so you'll be able to have fun in my time. I am telling Severus and Professor McGonagall so, when the time comes, they don't go in to shock over seeing you." I said.

"James has went to the future with you. He told me about it." Lily said.

"And he never once questioned why you and him were not at that lunch with us when I had two Severus's, the whole Weasley family, and the Longbottoms, plus Remus and Sirius." I said.

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