Becoming Attached

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The next morning I woke around five. I was still wrapped in Severus arms and he was sleeping. I gently kissed his cheek and slowly made my way off the couch. I felt him stir a little and froze just before I made it off the couch. "Where are you going so early?"

His voice was sleepy and sounded like music in my ears. I looked him over wanting nothing more then to curl up next to him. "I need to go do my training. Might only get jogging in this morning."

"Take a break this morning and come lay back down. You really do need your rest." He said holding his arms open for me to crawl back in bed.

There was no way I could turn him down. I laid back down in his arms. "Why did you stay with me?"

"That's the first time you've slept since you've been here. You seemed comfortable and I didn't want to disturb you."

"Thank you. That's the first time I can remember not having nightmares when I sleep. Normally Shy wakes me up from them."

"You're welcome. I will admit I slept the best I've ever slept myself." He said and I could feel him blushing which made me blush.

"I like you Severus." I whispered before closing my eyes and snuggling close to him. Before I fell asleep I heard him whisper, "I am starting to really like you Amy."

Lily woke Severus and I up the next morning. She was smiling ear to ear. Severus and I were both blushing. "Morning sleepy heads, it's time for breakfast."

I sat up and called a house elf and we all gave her our order for breakfast and I got coffee. I did a spell to make a extra wall and went behind it to get dressed then handed Severus some robes and changed them to fit him and to be Slytherin. Lily eyed me the whole time Severus was dressing and I knew she would want to talk about Severus and I sleeping together.

"I feel weird not getting my training in last night. I'm going to go outside for a jog after classes." I stated letting them know I would not be here until after my jog.

"I'll join you if you don't mind." Severus said.


We ate and went to class. I was happy we had Professor McGonagall first class because I was in deep need of understanding. As soon as class was over I went to her ,telling Lily to go on without me.

"Can I help you Miss Links?"

"Ma'am, I'm sorry to come to you with this but I need help understanding emotions and Chris isn't here to help me." I said feeling shy all of a sudden.

"What do you mean?"

"Ma'am I was trained to show no emotion. Last night, lack of sleep got the best of me and I fell asleep on Severus. He stayed with me all night and when I woke we talked. I told him I like him. I didn't mean to but I know it's true. I've never felt all tingly inside before though. I don't know what it means."

Professor McGonagall looked at me for the longest time. For a moment I thought she was going to turn me away. My judgment of people has never been wrong before so I was unsure how to act and what to do. For the first time in a long time, I was scared. This wasn't something I knew how to handle. Finally, as I was getting ready to run out of the room, she responded.

"That tingly feeling is called love. Have you ever felt that feeling before?"

"Not this strongly. I know what love is. I love Chris and Sherry. They took me in and showed me what a family is. This is different."

"That is true. This type of love is something Chris and Sherry feel towards each other. It's a very powerful form of love but let me ask you this, do you plan to return to your own time?"

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