The Full Moon

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(I would like to take a moment to point out that so far, I've pretty much left everything that happens in the books, happen in this story. Harrys 6th year will not be the same as his 6th year in the book, though I will leave a few major events that happened the same, this is where my story stops following the books so much. This is also not a story focused on Harry, which is why I've left out most of his adventurers. It's about Severus and the Marauders. They will continue to be my main focus. Thank you for reading. :) )

The first month of being a mother to two small, helpless, children were was not the easiest. Luckily, I was use to not sleeping much. With the full moon approaching, Remus grew more and more worried. The day of the full moon, I left the house with the kids and made Sirius stay with Remus. I couldn't take his freaking out anymore. I went to Malfoy Manor where I allowed Narcissa to hold Remus Jr. And I held on to Jasmine.

"Amy, what brings you to us?" Voldemort asked.

"I'm ready to fight again. I've been lazy long enough if you ask me." I stated.

"Amy, are you sure you're ready?" Narcissa asked.

"Of course. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't."

"What about your children?" Narcissa asked.

"Silky will take good care of the twins. Shy will also watch over them, though Shy misses her freedom in the Forbidden Forest."

"Who is Silky?" Voldemort asked.

"My house elf. So what do you say?" I asked.

"Tonight is the full moon, will they change?" Voldemort asked me, eyeing the children.

"No clue. We will find out tonight. I'm pretty interested in finding out if I'm to be honest."

"What will you do if they are?" Voldemort asked.

"Ill transform into Shadow and play with them." I said.

"I have never seen this wolf form of yours, may I?" Voldemort asked and I handed him Jasmine.

"You will be careful with my baby." I glared at him until he nodded and I helped him hold her correctly. I then transformed into Shadow and stood proud. To my great astonishment, Jasmine, who was watching me, changed into a very small cub. She had pure black fur except her nose and ears, which were brown, the color of Moonys fur. Voldemort was just as stunned as I was and almost dropped her, he gently placed her down next to me and she walked over to me. We sniffed each other, then I sniffed Remus Jr. He did not smell completely of wolf like Jasmin did.

I transformed back and picked my little cub up, she immediately changed back into her baby form. "Remus Jr will not change. He might be a little moody, but he will remain human."

"What makes you think he will not take after his father?" Voldemort asked me.

"He does not smell as strongly as wolf as Jasmine does, and it looks as though she will have a choice." I stated, then added, "We will see when the moon rises. For now, I must tell Remus of our discovery and inform Severus I may need him to watch Remus Jr. Tonight so I can play with my cub and teach her to be a wolf."

"I will follow you. Come Amy." Narcissa said and we both bowed to Voldemort before leaving.

We both landed outside mine and Remus's home. I walked in to see Sirius, Severus and Remus all in a argument. Remus was still freaked out over the kids becoming werewolves. "You do realize you married a werewolf, right?" I said, clearing my throat.

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