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Sensei sat quiet, lips pressed into a tight line as he let Izuku sob into his chest. His own heart ached, but this was Izuku's time to cry.

This was his time to let out whatever he needed to let out so that he could start letting better things in.

Sensei respected that, so although he couldn't hug Izuku back properly with those heavy wraps on his arms, he did try his best to hold him close.

The greenette shook like a leaf against him and Aizawa watched warily from the doorway. He wasn't sure if those were happy tears or sad tears.

He didn't want to leave the room. He promised the doctors he would stay with Izuku, but now he felt like he was intruding. Maybe if he..

He looked away, looking at the clock in the upper side of the room.

He sighed.

Nope. He still felt like he was intruding.

He crossed his arms and just took a deep breath. He had a duty, and he was going to fulfill it. Besides, they were too caught up in the moment that they couldn't even tell that Aizawa was there at all.

Once Izuku calmed down a bit and wasn't sobbing as vigorously, Sensei decided to speak.

"No one is perfect," he whispered, "And anyone who claims they are is deluding themselves."

Izuku sniffed and nuzzled in closer.

Sensei winced in pain but didn't dare push him away.

"We know ourselves better than anyone else knows us, and we know our imperfections. I know mine." He watched Izuku's eyebrows furrow in confusion and he held back a chuckle.

Izuku and Jr looked up to him so much that they must not see that he made mistakes too.

" I may not like them," he continued. "but I've come to accept they're a part of who I am. I wouldn't be me without them, and so that makes them easier to stomach. Not being perfect isn't a curse, it isn't an issue, and it's certainly not anything to be ashamed of. It's simply a sign you're just as human as everyone else."

He pulled away so that he could look Izuku in the eye. "You don't have to feel bad or guilty for what went down, you couldn't have changed it. It was my fate all along. There's no doubt he would've come for me again even if I survived. And what makes it even scarier, is that he could've killed you too."

Sensei made a weird face. "I mean..I am alive..but I kind of..wasn't to you?"

"I don't understand." Izuku sniffed. "I dug your grave. I saw y-your body splattered across the floor."

Sensei grimaced. "You know, Izuku, I could've lived without that image."

Izuku hit him gently, but with meaning. "I'm serious, Sensei. I-I carved your gravestone. I hosted your funeral." Izuku continuously stammered over his words and he cursed himself for it.

"I don't know what his plan was," Sensei muttered. "But he did that purposely."

Izuku looked up again, green eyes blinking in curiousity. "What do you mean by that?"

Sensei flinched, realizing he had said it out loud. He quickly went to think up a lie but after seeing the broken gaze staring up at him, he decided..."It's time."

Izuku tilted his head to the side. "For what?"

"For you to know the truth."


(⌐■-■) Chad wanted to warn you guys that there's a lot of foul language coming up.


What Could Have Been (vigilante deku)Where stories live. Discover now