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Another week passed and it was officially summer time.

Izuku could work as long as he wanted because he didn't have to worry about fitting online homeschool into his schedule anymore.

He was currently at the vet and was helping wash the dogs when the door flew open and someone ran in.

His boss, Lee, looked over at him with a pleading look and he nodded with a smile before walking out of the room with a towel.

He dried his hands as he walked into the waiting room.

A girl was there, crying hysterically. "I didn't see it! I swear!" She sobbed as a boy rubbed comforting circles into her back, also with a pretty remorseful face.

She was a girl of medium height, with healthy thighs. Due to her quirk, her skin is a light shade of pink, and she has rather square eyes, with black sclera and light yellow irises, and notably long eyelashes below and around the sides.

Her face was framed by short hair, fluffy and unruly, which is a pleasant pink color, slightly darker than that of her skin. She has two thin, pale yellow horns protruding from her head, hooked squarely and leaning diagonally to opposite sides.

Beside her, the boy was a muscular young man of average height, with a rather impressive physique, despite his young age. He has red eyes that are pointed slightly inwards, and a small scar just above his right eye. He had black hair, just under shoulder-length with some shorter bangs between his eyes.

The girl held a whimpering dog in her arms, careful to not hurt the poor thing further.

They must've hit it with their car.

"I-I'm still learning to drive! I only just got my permit! I'm so sorry!" She cried harder and Izuku rushed over.

"It's fine! Let me see it." He grabbed it from them and looked him over.

Dry blood coated it's brown and black fur, which made it hard for him to see where it was coming from. "You can wait out here or come into a back room with me and wait there. It's up to you." He said quickly.

"I'll s-stay out here." She hiccuped and wiped at her face. "Okay." Izuku said. "Can I get your guys names? You can pay and stuff when I'm back out."

The boy nodded. "Eijiro Kirishima and Mina Ashido."

Izuku flashed them a bright smile.

"Well, Ashido, Kirishima, there's nothing to worry about. I'm sure he'll be just fine."

He said a quick goodbye and carried the poor guy to a back room.

The dog was okay. He just had a cut above his paw, a few new bald spots with some bad bleeding bruises on them and a out of place leg.

He took his time to clean him up and fix him. He gave the dog some pain killers and sent it to sleep for the moment.

He took his gloves off and looked through the medicine cabinet for the ointment the dog would be needing.

After he got the creams out he walked back to the waiting room where Kirishima had his arm around Ashido as she slept peacefully, head resting on his shoulder.

"Ashido. Kirishima." He called out.

Kirishima looked up and quickly went to shake Ashido.

Her eyes fluttered open and she looked around in sleepy confusion until her memories returned and she stood up frantically.

"Is it okay?!" She yelled to Izuku and ran forward.

He smiled reassuringly and nodded. "Come back here and I'll explain everything."

They both nodded and followed him down two halls and into his room.

They both sighed in relief to see the dog sleeping contently, chest rising and falling.

"So he'll probably have trouble walking for a week or maybe a little more because his front right leg popped out of place, I put it in a cast to speed the healing. He had a cut that didn't need stitches right here." He pointed to it and they nodded eagerly.

"He got some pretty messed up bruises that left behind bald spots. If you don't take care of them, they can get infected. This cream should help with both the swelling and the healing as well as keeping it clean." He pointed to the bagged cream on the counter.

He walked to the sink and washed his hands as he continued speaking. "He should get lots of sleep and if he starts shedding, don't worry. His body is gonna be uncomfortable for awhile because of the breezes he will feel on his bald spots. Don't bathe him too much or you can worsen the already infected areas and give him an ear infection."

He walked over to the computer and stood in front of it. "He'll be in pain for awhile though. Just because he didn't break anything doesn't mean it didn't hurt him. I'll prescribe him some pain killers that you can pick up at any pet pharmacy. They'll be in by tomorrow morning, is that alright with you two?" He asked, fingers hovering over the keyboard.

When they nodded he began to type out the prescription.

"What's your address, phone number, date of birth and your guardians name and number?" He asked and when they gave him the information he typed it all in and was about to send it when he realized a section was empty. "Do you have his papers?"

The two paled and looked away. "Told you we'd need them!" Ashido hissed.

"Is he not your dog?" Izuku asked, confused.

The two shook their heads. "He doesn't have an owner. He just wanders around my neighborhood, going through the dumpsters and trash cans." Ashido admitted and Izuku hummed.

"Sorry I'm afraid that if he isn't yours and you don't have his papers, I have to take him into custody. You can come back tomorrow during adoption hours and do the paperwork, then we can continue this form. If not, you should say goodbye."

Ashido started crying again. "See? I told you Kirishima, we can't just take a stray dog in here and think we can just get him back!"

Izuku watched the interaction with a frown. "I'm sorry." He apologized. He wanted to compromise. He wanted to send the dog home with them anyways and trust that they'd bring him back in the morning to do the adoption papers, but stuff like that can get him fired.

He and Lee were close but he was stricter than Sakura was. She was fine with him compromising for other people, like paying parts of the bill they missed, or paying for them completely when they just walked out without paying at all.

But not Lee. He wasn't okay with stuff like that. If they come in, they have to be prepared.

If the dog wasn't as hurt as he was, Izuku would have asked for papers first instead of taking the dog straight back.

"Don't apologise, you're just doing your job." Kirishima reassured with a small smile. "It wasn't really manly of me to try and basically kidnap a dog. Ashido was just really freaked about hitting him that I had no other idea of what to do." He sighed and ran a hand through his black hair.

"We'll be back in the morning."

He gave Izuku a wide sharp tooth smile and Izuku smiled back.

He looked down at his watch and saw that his time was done and if he didn't leave soon, he'd be late to the last shift at the café. He'd be closing up along with Carly.

It would only be them two working. Sakura had a funeral to go to so she wasn't at the café all day.

He looked back up at them and took notice of how tired and stressed they looked.

Damn his kind heart.

"Would you guys like some free coffees?"

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