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Izuku stirred as he was shook. He groaned rolling over so that his back was to whoever was shaking him.

He gasped when the covers was yanked off his body. "Hey!" He exclaimed but was smacked across the face, his cheek stinging red.

"Dude, shut the hell up." Jr whisper shouted and smacked Izuku across the face again on the opposite cheek, making that one sting too. "Your roommate is still asleep."

"OUCH." Izuku said, placing his hands over the two prominent red hand marks on his pale cheeks. "Why did you have to fucking hit me?" He asked in exasperation which only earned him a cocky grin from Jr who smacked him for the third time.

"Because I want to."

Izuku growled and went to hit him back but before he could a scarf wrapped around Jr's waist and pulled him away.

Jr pouted as he was swung across the room and placed in a corner. "Aww. You always have to take away the fun."

Aizawa chose to ignore him as he entered the room, choosing to glare at Izuku. "Get up and get ready. We're doing a pre-dawn raid."

Izuku mumbled a string of incoherent curses and climbed out of bed. "You didn't think of warning me about that yesterday instead of letting me stay up late doing homework."

"I didn't let you do anything." Aizawa pointed out, putting his hands into his pocket carelessly. "You make your own irresponsible decisions."

Izuku crossed his arms and kicked his pillow that had somehow ended up on the floor. "No I don't." He bit the inside of his cheek. "I'm very responsible."

Aizawa sighed, not caring enough to correct him and instead threw a bookbag at him. He didn't even feel guilty when the bag hit the greenette's face and made him stumble. Actually, it amused him.

And so did the growl that escaped Izuku.

"So you BOTH have chosen to die?" He grumbled and cracked his fingers.

"Just go get changed, Midoriya." Aizawa sighed. "Your hero suit is in the bag. That's unless you don't want to accompany us on the mission. That's totally fine. We'll go without you." Aizawa taunted and picked at his fingers.

Even though Jr knew those words were empty and were only said to intimidate Izuku into hurrying, he felt a little scared by them. He hadn't fought by himself..ever.

It was always with Izuku. They had each other's backs, fronts, and sides. Even when they didn't get along, they knew the importance each other's life held and so they vowed to protect each other no matter what grudge they had growing or present.

Unlike Izuku who had moved on and learned to do stuff without Jr, he hadn't done the same. Returning to Japan only showed him just how much he depended on everyone there.

Little did he know that Izuku was feeling the same way. He knew that Jr needed him, and so, that was the fuel that made him race to the bathroom to get ready.


(☞⌐■-■)☞ Chad says "wassup"


"No car today?" Izuku asked as he, Jr, and Aizawa left his building and he noticed that Happy's car wasn't waiting on the curb like usual.

"No, you're riding with us idiot." Aizawa affirmed with an eye roll.

Izuku took the insult but didn't respond with a sassy comeback like usual, instead he yawned and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

He usually wasn't this tired in the morning, but something was off. His body physically just wanted to crawl back into bed and get some well-needed rest, but his heart wanted to get over this drowsy feeling and get some hero work done.

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