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Izuku relaxed, the waves crashing against the shore, his eyes closed peacefully as the sun moved from behind the clouds and it's heat and light beat down on the world below it. His fingers curled around his phone, feeling the surface heat up from being out in the sun so long with him.

He felt warm sand brush across his leg and he peaked an eye open, holding up his hand to shield his eyes from the sun. He watched with a smile as his boyfriend picked a towel up and began drying himself off, sand spraying off the towel he didn't shake out before using.

Izuku took one of his earbuds out. "You done swimming?" he asked, sitting up on his elbows. The blanket below him moved and he glanced around to make sure it was still spread out.

"I was gonna go get ice cream," Shinso responded, his lips twisting into a humorous smile. "Maybe you should take a break from the sun. Don't people with freckles burn easily?"

Izuku leaned forward to smack at his leg and rolled his eyes. He sat up completely and stretched. He had been laying there for so long he almost fell asleep. "Aren't insomniacs prone to heart attacks?"

Shinsou laughed, opening their cooler to pull out a cold water bottle. It was damp from the cooler's ice but Shinsou didn't care and put it against the back of his neck anyways. "You're funny," he said sarcastically, which got a genuine chuckle from Izuku.

"Thanks," he said and pretended to flip invisible hair over his shoulder.

Shinsou scoffed and tossed his sandy towel at him. "You're so sassy."

Izuku shrieked, immediately throwing the towel away from his safe area. He had been trying so hard to not get any sand onto his blanket. Do you know how hard it is to do that when you're surrounded by it? "You're so mean," Izuku pouted.

Shinsou was gonna say something but before he could something big was being thrown at Shinsou, followed by a loud, "I'll save you!"

Shinsou had no time to react before he was knocked over by a foldable table. It was small and pink with cute little princesses on the top. He tumbled into the sand, his confused expression quickly morphing into anger.

Jr was hunched over laughing and Minato was standing to the side, covering his mouth with his hand. Izuku could tell he was trying not to laugh. Izuku's expression mirrored his, a hand over his mouth as laughter tumbled forward.

Emmy peaked from behind Minato's leg, face red and guilty. Her cute blonde hair was tied into two adorable pigtails and Izuku noticed the beginning of a sun burn on her shoulder.

"Emmy watch and learn!" Jr announced, dusting his hands off as if he had just completed some amazing task. "That's how you beat a bully."

Emmy blinked in confusion but didn't respond. Her green eyes found Shinsou as he pushed the table off himself.

"Don't teach my sister anything stupid," Minato scolded his boyfriend. "Go with Izuku." He told Emmy who nodded before reluctantly running to the blanket.

Izuku smiled at her and patted the spot beside him. She happily sat down and leaned into his side. 'Angry' she signed before pointing at Shinsou.

Izuku laughed and grabbed her yellow bag, searching for her children's sunscreen. "Not at you," he reassured. She calmed down at that. It was her table that had been flung at him so she was scared that he would be upset with her. "Just enjoy the show." he told her and at the same time that he squirted the sunscreen onto his palm, Shinsou lunged for Jr.

"No quirks!" they heard somebody call from behind them. Izuku looked over to see Aizawa and Hizashi. Aizawa's arms were crossed disapprovingly, him being the one to shout the reminder. Hizashi was holding Yui on his hip and she was eating a bag of chips.

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