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I couldn't take this next part seriously because I literally pictured Deku as Naruto running with the Rasengan and I find it way more funny than it actually is😭✋🏻 it did make my day tho ngl-

Maybe this was the end. Maybe this would be his last move. But it was worth it. He could feel everything draining as he charged at Muscular. The energy crackled like electricity in his palms. He stripped his hands from his gloves to strengthen his quirk and use it at its full extent.

Muscular, not expecting much from the small glowing ball in Izuku's hand just grinned and charged right back at Izuku, raising his hand into a huge fist. He couldn't care less about a little bit of light igniting from his palms.

Izuku knew that he'd have to endure those fists in order to get a touch on him. But he had to bite his tongue and take it.

As he inched closer to Muscular, time seemed to slow down. He turned his head last minute and caught Kota's eyes with his own. His watery gaze, full of despair as he watched another person he had grown to unfortunately care about welcome the arms of death.

Izuku smiled.

He smiled. Right as he was running to his own end. He smiled. His smile held so much more than just the uplift of his lips. It was a goodbye. A promise. An apology. It was so much and it hurt. It hurt Kota. That even when he was about to get hurt, possibly face death, he was smiling. At him at that! He couldn't believe it.

He let out a heart breaking scream, the sound bouncing off the trees and echoing into nothingness. No one would hear. And no one would see the look of hopelessness as the enlarged fist landed a strong bone crushing hit straight on Izuku's face.

He was so focused on that, he didn't notice the ball Izuku had been growing being shoved right into Musculars stomach.

Kota's screams pierced the air, falling on un hearing ears. He wasn't even the one who got hit and all the air had been knocked from his lungs. His eyes widened as sobs racked his body. He screamed and screamed, unable to do anything else.

The blows made the ground tremble and dust flew everywhere as both fighters flew back dozens of feet. Bolts of different colors flew in all directions, breaking through the dirt that clouded the air.

Kota coughed vigorously as he dropped down, covering his head. Rocks and clumps of dirt flew past him, some landing hits on his small and frail body.

The ground continued to tremble so aggressively that Kota began to fear that the whole cliff would collapse.

After the dust cloud began to fade, he slowly rose his head and looked around. He first spotted Muscular slammed into the rock wall, his whole body indented in it. His shirt was torn, smoke drifting from the leftover cloth, and Kota could see the ugly wound that was covering his abdomen. He grimaced at the sight of all the blood and broken skin.

He grew nauseous and hunched over to puke. It was a disgusting sight and unlike heroes, he wasn't used to seeing it. He hadn't even seen what his parents looked like after their death. It was a close casketed funeral. Their bodies were to disfigured to be on display.

This was the first time he had ever seen something like that. Not even the zombie movies he had watched secretly could compare to how graphic and traumatizing this scene was.

After he had emptied the contents of his stomach, he wiped at his mouth and panted as he continued to search for him.

He was yards away, laid on the ground with blood pooling around him.

Kota's eyes widened and he climbed to his feet and ran towards him. He stumbled and tripped, scraping his knees but he couldn't care. His own wellbeing wasn't the issue at the moment. Izuku was hurt.

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