Chapter 18

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Flash back

I pull my arms around myself as a young boy and even younger girl phase through me. It's been years since the last time I was able to touch anyone, let alone talk to someone. After waking up under a bright moon I don't know how many years ago, I have been alone.

"Come on! I heard there was still snow around here!" The boy sounds as the two continue deeper into the trees.

I frown, was there not supposed to be snow? I huff and continue to my walk in the opposite direction. No point in trying to get rid of the snow now if people already know its there when its apparently not supposed to be.

A gust of wind lifts me off my feet and I let out a yelp.

"Manny what the heck!" I shout.

The only answer is the wind turning me upside down. I feel my hair and hood fall while I use my arms to hold my hoodie down.

"Very funny Manny. Now put me down." I say.

Abruptly, the wind stops and I fall onto the ground. I groan, rubbing my head as I sit up.

"What has gotten into you? Why are you being like this?" I ask.

Still no answer.

I roll my eyes and stand back up. I fix my hoodie and keep walking. Passed the abandoned cabin that I used to watch the family in. Passed the pond a boy fell into over the winter while I was in Canada. Passed where I woke up years ago. Passed the tree with the many holes in it. Passed the guy with wings. Passed the-

I stop. Humans don't have wings, right? I turn around and retrace my steps. Certain enough, there is a guy with wings and a bow an arrow. Except, he seems to be pointing the arrow at two girls.

"Hey! Stop!" I shout, knowing he can't hear me before grabbing the nearest stick and throwing it at him, hoping it would distract him. Instead though, the stick hit him in the side of the head, causing him to release the arrow and hit one of the girls.

"No! Why would you do that?" I shout.

The guy blinks, rubbing the side of his head. "What in the world?" I hear him mutter.

The guy turns to look at me and his eyes widen.

"Why would you shoot that poor girl?" I ask, throwing another stick at him. This one hits him in the chest.

"Hey, whoa, calm down. It's not like that." He says.

I grab another stick and aim for his head again. Sadly, I miss. "Not like that?! You just shot a girl with an arrow!" I shout.

The guy lets go of the bow which then disappears into thin air along with the arrows. "Look, I don't know how you can see me and not know who I am, but clearly you're confused." He says.

The wind picks up then, allowing me to blow snow into his face.

"Okay, okay! Stop! Let's talk about this." He pleads.

I narrow my eyes at him but allow the snow to stop. The guy wipes his face and shakes out his wings.

"I'm Cupid." He tells me.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "You're supposed to be telling me why I shouldn't hurt you for shooting that girl, not telling me your name."

"Wow, you really don't know anything." He mutters.

I throw another stick at him. This one hits his arm.

"Would you stop that?!" He shouts.

"Would you answer my question?" I counter.

Cupid sighs, wings puffing up behind him. "Like I said: I'm Cupid. It's my job to guide people to fall in love. That's what the arrows do. They give people the push they need to act on their romantic feelings for the person they see after the arrow hits them."

"So you weren't trying to hurt her?" I ask.

"Not at all. Humans can't even feel the arrow itself, just the magic in it." He tells me.

I sigh, feeling the tension leave my body.

"So, who are you?" Cupid asks.

"Oh, right. My name is Chrissy." I tell him. The wind stirs and lifts me into the air again. "I swear if you turn me upside down again." I groan, glaring at the sky.

"Oh, that makes sense. You're a spirit." Cupid says.

"Yeah. I'm assuming that's what you are?" I ask and the wind slowly starts spinning me.

"In a way. I'm one of the originals. I've been around longer than most." He tells me.

I nod, trying to fight my way out of the wind's hold. "Let me goooo." I whine.

Cupid chuckles, wings flapping a little behind him.

A sudden gust of wind shoots me up above the trees.

"Wait! I wanted to talk more!" Cupid shouts.

I watch as he takes flight, trying to catch up with me. Manny seems to have other ideas. "Sorry! Maybe next time!" I shout as the wind takes me some place new.

Present Day

"So you really thought Cupid was trying to hurt those girl?" Tooth asks me while giggling.

I lightly shove her. "How was I supposed to know? He was the first person I had been able to talk to since I woke up and it was before he became a well known story."

Tooth finally stops giggling long enough for one of her baby tooth fairies to fly in and start talking to her. "I wish I could stay and talk longer, but duty calls. Hopefully we can have a real girls day after everything is better." She says as she flies out.

I sigh, standing up. Might as well find someone else to talk to.

I wander around the workshop, looking at all the toys being made. I pass by a group of elves eating cookies and trying to glue a wheel onto a balloon. I shrug, let them have their fun.

"Chrissy! Just the snow spirit I was looking for." North's deep voice booms from behind me.

I turn around to find him standing in the doorway to his workshop. He becons me in with a nod of his head.

"Why were you looking for me?" I ask as he shuts the door. Prototypes of toys made of ice fill the room. It's almost as if I can feel North's magic mixed with the ice. I gently pick up a car and a flash of laughter fills my mind. I jump back, dropping the car. The shattering of ice brings me back to the current moment.

"Oh gosh. North I am so sorry." I tell him, kneeling down by the broken pieces.

"It is alright dear. Are you okay?" He asks, concern lacing his voice.

"Yes. I just... I heard laughter?" I say uncertainly. I carefully pick up the bits of ice and stand up.

"There is plenty of laughter in workshop." North agrees.

"No, I uh, I heard child laughter? When I picked up the car. I felt the magic you left behind in the ice and... and the joy." I tell him.

North looks at me with curious eyes. "Have you always been able to do this?" He asks.

I shrug. "I've never gotten any flashes of sound before. I've always been able to tell the emotions someone was feeling on ice - like joy or fear on a frozen pond - but never this."

"This must be your gift." North concludes.

I furrow my eyebrows. "My gift?" I ask.

"Yes, yes. It's a special thing we all have. Jack, he can put fun into snow. Tooth, her magic allows her to help humans recall memories. I make these toys." He tells me.

"So my gift is ice emotions?" I ask.

North shrugs. "Maybe. Maybe it is more than that. Water has memory, you know."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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