Chapter 14

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I cough and look anywhere but at him. "How, how much did you hear?" I ask. "Enough." Cupid says. I gulp and look at my feet. "How could you think I'd hate you?" he asks. " know...and I might've ruined everything." I say quietly.

Cupid walks closer to me and tilts my head up by my chin. "Chrissy, look at me." he says quietly. Reluctantly, I lift my eyes to meet his. His bright green eyes reflect the light from the snow, causing them to sparkle.

"I'm never going to hate you. Ever since day one I knew I couldn't do that. We're best friends." he tells me. Best friends. There it is, those two words I've grown to love shatter me. "Yeah, best friends." I mutter.

Cupid seems to search my eyes for a moment before pulling back. He runs his hands through his hair and sighs, his breath swirling in a cloud of mist. "When you..kissed me..that was just an accident. You were just happy." Cupid says, not looking at me.

"It wasn't fully an accident." I mumble quietly. "What?" Cupid asks. "Nothing." I tell him. Manny makes the wind blow hard, causing me to shove forward. Thanks a lot. I look up at Cupid, ready to hear something else that might break me.

"And just to kill your worries, no one has to know about it." he adds. I nod. Good, that means Jack won't pummel him. We stand in silence for a minute before something dawns on me.

" did you find me?" I ask. "Oh, uh, Manny kinda helped." he admits. Now he's the one not looking at me. "He talked to you?" I ask, shocked. "Made the wind drag me this way." Cupid says.

"Say something.." Manny urges. "Why would Manny do that?" I question. Cupid just shrugs. "Because you like him.." Manny tells me. "So, you heard the last bit I said..anything before that?" I ask nervously.

"No. Was there something I should have heard?" Cupid asks. "Yes.." Manny says. "No." I assure him. We stand in silence for a few minutes, me playing with my staff and Cupid muttering to himself.

"We should head back." I say, breaking the silence. Cupid's head shoots to look at me, cursing to himself. "Ok." Is all he says before shooting upward. I do the same, leaving a trail of snowflakes behind.

"I want to show you something." I tell Cupid. He looks at me and nods. I grab his hand and pull him to the left instead of towards the Pole.

Before we land, I make a snow cloud over myself to keep cool. "Are you sure you're ok here?" Cupid asks for the millionth time. "Yes, with this snow cloud, I am." I assure him.

We land in a field surrounded by trees. "What is this place?" Cupid asks. "One of the many places I hide." I tell him. As he looks around, his eyes widen. I look down, embarrassed I told him I hide here.

"This... this is where we played in the rain...where you called me crazy." Cupid says, shocked. I nod. "You remembered where it was?" he asks. "Of course I did." I reply.

"I didn't realize you hid here." Cupid says, finally looking at me. "It's called hiding for a reason." I point out. He chuckles and looks up at the sky. "If I would've known, you wouldn't have been alone." he says quietly. I probably wasn't supposed to hear it.

"Thanks." I say anyway. With his head still tilted upward, Cupid glances at me. "You heard that?" he asks, quickly looking away. I nod and walk towards him, my feet leaving patches of frost that quickly melt.

"Are you feeling warmer yet?" I ask. Cupid looks down at me. "Why do you ask?" he questions. "We were out in the snow and wind, you had to of been freezing." I say. "I'm fine." he says, shrugging.

I bring my hand to his arm, watching goosebumps spread. "I thought you said I don't make you cold." I say, pulling my hand back. "You don't." Cupid tells me, looking from me, to his arm, and back.

"But you have goosebumps." I point out. "You don't make me cold." he assures me. I lightly drag my hand down his other arm, watching goosebumps appear in its place. "Are you lying?" I ask angrily. "No." Cupid says.

"Then why do you have goosebumps?" I ask, stepping back. "Because you're colder then the air around us." he tells me. I sigh. That's probably true. "Why'd you bring me here, Chrissy?" Cupid asks.

"Because I wanted to ask you something with out the Guardians around." I tell him. "Okay." he says. "Cupid, you have to be completely honest with me, okay?" I say. He nods.

"Do you remember anyone who would want revenge on you?" I ask. Cupid's face drops, like he was expecting something else. "That's not what you wanted to ask.." Manny says.

"A girl with sleek black hair maybe?" I add. "Why are you asking about Violet?" Cupid asks. "Violet. So that's her name." I mutter. "Chrissy, why are you asking about Violet?" Cupid asks again.

"I think she's the voice in my head and the one who over-shadowed me." I tell him. His whole body tenses. "Is she listening now?" he asks. "I don't think she has any power if I'm in Manny's light." I explain.

"So you don't think anything will happen to you? No blacking out?" Cupid asks. I shake my head. "No." I answer. "So I want you to tell me the truth." he says. "Ok." I agree. "When you said I should have left..was that you or Violet talking?" Cupid asks, emotionless.

"Violet. If you'd have left I'd be upset." I tell him. "Next question. Do you remember what happened before you blacked out, anytime?" he asks. I shake my head.

"This." he says. Cupid pulls me to him by the waist and smashes his lips against mine. I stand there shocked. When I realize what's happening, I kiss him back.

We pull apart, both of our faces red. "It's even better when you're awake." Cupid says. I grin, kissing him again.

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