Chapter 10

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I groan and open my eyes. What a weird dream. I look around the room. Where the heck am I? I get out of the bed and leave the mysterious room, greeted with a series of doors.

"Ok, seriously, what is this place?" I wonder aloud. I open the door to my right and walk through. All around are different types of toys; flying toys, music toys, electric toys. I walk through the room in awe.

I stop in front of one of the toys and press a button. It starts playing music. As soon as the song plays, I'm surrounded. "I didn't mean to, don't hurt me!" I plead, putting my hands in front of my face.

The hairy creatures start talking in a language I don't understand while the short creatures start jingling. I back away from then, hitting the table, setting off more toys. Soon the room is filled with noise.

It's all too much so I crawl under the table, bring my knees to my chest, and cover my ears, squeezing my eyes shut. One of the hairy creatures must have stopped the noise, because soon, it's silent.

I open my eyes, only to jump, finding three people and three creatures staring at me. I frantically look over the creatures, trying to figure out what they are.

After not being able to, I look at the people, trying to see if I know them. The blonde boy speaks first. "Chrissy." he says, almost too quiet to hear. "Who's Chrissy?" I ask, tilting my head to the side.

The people and the creatures back up, giving me space to climb out. As soon as I'm out, the white haired boy engulfs me in a hug. What feels like electricity runs through me and memories of the boy flood back, there's not many, but enough.

"Jack, I need air." I tell him. He pulls back and looks me in the eyes. "Chrissy." he whispers. "Who's Chrissy?" I ask again. "Looks like she has amnesia." the colorful creature says.

"Who's amnesia?" I ask. "Not who, what." the older person says. "Ok, what's amnesia?" I ask. "Memory loss." the long eared creature tells me. "What does that mean?" I ask Jack.

"You know them, you just don't remember, Chrissy." he tells me. "Who's Chrissy?" I ask a third time. "You are." the blonde person says. "Me?" I ask. He nods. "Manny said that once." I mutter.

"You remember Manny?" the older person asks. I nod, trying to think. "She must remember older things." the colorful creature says. "Then how does she know me?" Jack asks her.

I look at Jack, tilting my head to the side. "Why is your hair white?" I ask him. "What do you mean?" Jack asks. "It's supposed to be brown." I tell him.

The colorful creature gasps. "She remembers the past!" she exclaims. I feel a tug on my pants and look down. The gold creature starts making signs above his head.

"I don't-I don't understand." I tell him, panicking. The older person reaches towards me but I back away. "Jack, who are these people?" I ask, backing away.

"Chrissy, it's ok. They're my friends." Jack tells me. I stop backing up and look around. "These creatures too?" I ask. Jack nods.

"Tell me their names." I tell him. He starts at the older man. "This is North." he tells me. He moves to the colorful creature next. "This is Tooth." he says. I tilt my head to the side. "Tooth." I repeat.

Next, Jack moves to the golden creature. "This is Sandy." Jack tells me. I nod. He goes to the long haired creature next. "This is Bunnymund. We call him Bunny." he tells me.

I glance at the blonde haired boy, confused. "Who's that?" I ask. "That's Cupid." Jack says. "Cupid?" I ask. The blonde boy nods. "Cupid." I repeat, thinking.

"Jack, why don't you take Chrissy to the globe room? Get her used to everything again." North suggest. Jack nods and leads me away from everything. He pushes open a wooden door and I look around.

"I see why it's called the globe room." I say, referring to the giant globe in the room. Jack sits on the railing and I sit on the floor. "Jack, isn't Cupid the god of love?" I ask.

"Do you remember him?" Jack asks. "Not this Cupid." I tell him. Jack signs, playing with the stick he has. "But you always tease me about how Cupid won't shoot anyone with an arrow for me because I'm too weird." I say.

"That sounds like something I'd do." Jack says chucking. "Don't you remember?" I ask. "Of course not." he says. I tilt my head to the side, then look around. My eyes widen in realization.

"Manny made me a spirit. That stuff is in the past." I say. "You remember that?" Jack asks. I nod. "I don't remember Cupid or any- wait, since when do you call Bunny by his name, don't you call him a kangaroo?" I ask.

"You remember Bunny?" Jack asks. "How could I not? You two argue all the time." I say. "Stay here." Jack tells me. He runs out of the room and comes back with Bunny and everyone else.

"I think her amnesia is wearing off fast. She remembers being a spirit. And she remembers Bunny." Jack tells them. Bunny's eyes widen. "Me?" he asks. "She knows I call you kangaroo." Jack tells him.

"How? Jack hasn't done that since you've been here." North asks. "He did it when I was asleep. I remember." I tell him. Tooth's eyes widen. "You remember from when you were asleep?" she asks.

"That's all I remember. I don't remember you, Tooth, or North, or Sandy, or even Cupid." I admit. "I'm sorry." I tell them. "It's not your fault. You can't control what you remember." Jack assures me.

"But I remember you and Bunny. Why don't I remember anyone else?" I ask. "Maybe you don't have enough memories." Tooth suggests. I sigh. "I guess you're right."

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