Chapter 15

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As we land at the Pole, I start to feel dizzy. "Are you ok, Chrissy?" Cupid asks. "I'm fine, I think." I say. We head towards the globe room and I end up having to hold his arm so I don't fall over.

"Are you sure you're fine?" Cupid asks. "I'm just a bit dizzy, that's all." I assure him. Cupid doesn't look convinced but he nods. "When was the last Violet talked to you?" he asks. I sigh before thinking.

"Last night's dream. Except when she appears in dreams it's not talking it's more like scaring me." I tell him. "What do you see?" he asks. I look around at all the yetis and elves. "Can we talk somewhere else?" I ask.

Cupid nods and we go to his room. Once he closes the door, he joins me on the bed. "Okay, so what do you see in your dreams?" he asks, pulling me into his chest.

"It's dark at first, pitch black. Then a light turns on and everyone's in cages. They all look beaten and weak. And I can't help. I try and I just can't. They're terrified. Bunny is small; Tooth lost her color; North can barely move; Sandy-" I tell him, swallowing down a sob.

"Sandy is gone. Jack, he-he's warm and his skin is rosy, his hair is brown and his hoodie is too big. A-and look so weak and given up." I continue. "Then my-Violet, she starts saying how if I join her I can save you guys."

Cupid tightens his grip on me and I take a shaky breath. "She-she says she wants revenge on you but she won't tell me why." I add. Cupid sighs, resting his chin on my head. "Violet and I, we have complication past." He tells me. "Why? What happened?" I ask. Cupid stays silent.

"Tell me." I urge. "I can't Chrissy. It's not something I'm proud of." He tells me. Not something you're proud of! Violet shouts in my head. I wince. I can't believe he just said that! I start to feel dizzy. I will get my revenge on Cupid! Everything goes black.

"Chrissy!" A little girl's voice shouts. "I'm coming Emma!" I reply, tugging on my coat. "Come on slow poke!" Jack says, standing at the door. "Okay, I'm ready." I tell him, heading outside. I spot Emma a bit away talking to some of her friends.

"Chrissy!" Emma says gleefully. I walk over and ruffle her hair. "Jack!" One of Emma's friends shout, a blush covering her cheeks. "How do you do?" Jack greets her. "How do you do what?" I ask. "How do you do the do?" Jack teases. I smack his head. "Jack!" I shout.

"Chrissy, I'm scared." Emma say quietly. "It's okay, Em. We aren't going to let anyone hurt you." I assure her. Another shot echoes through the woods causing Emma to jump. "It's a bunch of drunk men." Jack announces as he comes back. "We have to get home." I tell them.

We stand up from our small hiding spot and start running. Another shot is fired. "Who lets drunks have guns anyway?" I ask. "They're hunters when sober." Jack tells me. I groan. We jump over a fallen tree but Emma ends up falling. "My ankle!" She exclaims, cradling her foot.

"Jack, take her!" I shout, hearing the men close in. "What are you-" "Go!" I shout, cutting him off. Jack picks Emma up bridal style and runs; I run the other way. "This way!" I shout to throw off the drunks. Another shot is fired and I take a right.

I hear the thump of someone hitting a tree but there are still more. "Come on, almost-" I freeze as I get to the river. How far did I run?, I think. "Here, deary." A slurred voice says. I whip around just as a shot is heard. "Gotcha." A man says.

I look down in shock to see my coat being covered in blood. Everything goes black.

I wake up with a gasp. "Chrissy!" Cupid says, looking down at me. "Did you have another dream about Violet?" He asks. I shake my head. "No, I saw my death." I tell him. Cupid's eyes widen before he engulfs me in a hug. "I'm sorry." He whispers.

"I saw why Jack wanted to forget me." I mumble. "Why's that?" Cupid asks. "Because he didn't protect me. He's the older brother but I'm the one who saved them." I explain. "Them? From who?" Cupid asks. "Jack and Emma, from drunk hunters." I tell him.

"That's horrible." Cupid says. I nod against his shoulder. "But I saved them, that's all that matters now." I decide. Cupid presses a kiss to my temple before pulling back. "It was a brave thing to do, protecting them." Cupid tells me.

"My family is what matters most to me. No one is getting hurt." I tell him. Cupid smiles. "Of course not. They have you to protect them." He says. I smile a little before nodding. "I've decided." I tell him. "Decided on what?" He asks.

I sit up fully and grab my staff. "I will become a guardian. I won't stand by while innocent children get hurt and I won't let my family get hurt either." I tell him. Cupid beams. "If it's what you want, then go ahead." He says.

I glare at him playfully. "I wasn't asking your permission." I tell him. "I know, but I gave it to you anyway." He says. We both laugh.

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