Chapter 8

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I open my eyes and all I see is a bright light. I force them closed and try again. Everything is blurry and moving, like I'm on a boat and looking at the sky. Voices are speaking to me, but they sound underwater and far away. The light seems to get brighter so I keep my eyes closed.

Something sharp touches my arm and I shoot up. Pain shoots through my body and I groan. Someone lays me back down, and I know it's not Jack because the hands are warm. The warmth leaves me as soon as it came.

The sharp object touches my arm again, but this time I don't move. Slowly, I can't hear the voices at all. I can't feel anything. Everything goes black.

I look around the dark room, searching for something, anything, that will tell me where I am. A single light shines over a cage. I hit my staff against the ground and fly over.

I gasp when I see inside. "Jack!" I shout. His skin is rosy red, his hoodie is too big, and his hair has brown roots. "Jack!" I shout again. I feel tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I slowly reach my arm through the bars, towards my brother.

I lay my hand against his face, instantly pulling back at the heat. "My brother. What did you do to my brother?!" I shout. Another light turns on and I shoot over. "Bunny. Tooth." I say. Tooth is holding a smaller version of Bunny.

Tooth's color is almost completely gone, she's almost black and white. Bunny is the size of a pet rabbit. "What happened?" I ask, looking around.

Another light turns on, over a cage that has scratches on the bars. I slowly fly over, bracing myself. "North?" I ask. He is slumped against the bars, swords scattered away from him.

"Where's Sandy?" I ask, panicked. He slowly shakes his head. I slowly nod, taking a shaky breath. I turn around, ready to brake the cage when another light turns on. This cage is smaller, just big enough to barely fit one person.

I fly over. The sight I see brakes my heart. "Cupid." I whisper, voice shaking. His skin is pale, his hair is a mess, his knees are to his chest and he looks terrified. I reach towards him and he jumps.

"Oh Cupid, who did this to you?" I ask softly, refusing to let any tears fall. Cupid looks up at me and his eyes widen. "C-Chrissy?" he asks quietly, his voice sounding rough. I raise my staff and swing at the cage angrily.

Frost runs over the bars but instantly melts. "Ah, ah, ah, dearie, it's not time quite yet." a familiar voice says. I turn around, gripping my staff tight.

"Show yourself you coward!" I shout. A shadow moves on the wall and I narrow my eyes. "I'm afraid I can't. And that's all thanks to your little friend." they tell me.

"What do you want from me?" I ask angrily. "Join me, Chrissy. Together we can be remembered." the person says. "Never." I sneer. "Oh, you will. And I'll finally get my revenge on that dreadful Cupid." they say, laughing.

Something inside of me snaps and I serge forward. I almost get to the shadow but something grabs my throat. I struggle to get free but the grip gets tighter. "You're a coward." I choke out. It gets hard to breath but I keep fighting.

Everything is fuzzy. The voices are so quiet and muffled they might be my imagination. I try to take a deep breath but I can't. I take slow, short breaths instead.

My eyelids feel as heavy as cement and my body is nearly numb. I can't tell if I'm sitting or laying down. The voices lessen, until there's only one. I barely feel my body shift as someone sits next to me.

Their voice is quiet and muffled, but I can feel them grab my hand. A dull pain runs up my arm but I don't care. The hand holding mine is warm and strong, holding mine as if they don't, I might disappear.

The voice keeps talking, and I strain my ears to hear. I can make out a few sentences like "we're all worried" and "please, be ok." But other things I only get a few words, like "love" or "sorry" but not enough to understand what this person means.

The words jumble together and soon it gets to be too much. I block out the voice completely and focus on my hand. Now the person is running their thumb over my knuckles. It's a faint feeling, but it's enough.

After a few minutes, the person stops talking. I feel their hand brush my hair away from my face, the other one still holding my hand. The second hand stops on my cheek and sits there.

It's warm, and it takes all I have to focus on the feeling. My body starts feeling even more numb and it gets harder to breathe. I let my hand go limp so that I can focus on the feeling on my cheek.

The voice starts again, but I might all well be a mile away. It keeps repeating the same two things, but I can't make them out. The other hand comes to my face and everything but my head is lost to me.

I try to concentrate on the feeling, but it's hard. Slowly, the numbness starts to take over. The brain feels fuzzy and I let my head fall sideways into the person's hand. Something wet runs down my cheek, but before I can think about it, something soft is pressed to my lips.

I use every last bit of energy I have to focus on that feeling, but before I know it, it goes away. My head is slowly laid sideways and the weight is off the bed. I take one last breath before everything is silent, numb, and black.

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