1. Unaware

731 16 7

Prompt: Spifelk (Spifey x Zelkam), fluff

If you know me from my book 'Sticky Notes', you probably noticed the pokes of the ship Spifelk. It's honestly just a chaotic and cute ship and I love it to bits. Expect more of this ship in the future!


'C'mon, you have to admit, it's kinda funny-'


Spifey smiles mischievously, staying firmly where he was. The two were standing at opposite ends of a table, one skeptical and the other grinning. In the hands of the English man was a small stuffed Minecraft pig which had been stolen from the American. Right now, he held it above the younger's reach, towering above him as a 6 foot giant.

This was how usual Spifey visits went, with him annoying the house owner. At this moment of time, the Spifey's two roommates, Skeppy and TapL, were supposed to be with him, but stopped to grab donuts. Spifey had went ahead due to how cold it was outside, not wanting to wait in the winds. Despite being from the cold areas of the United Kingdom, Spifey was always easily affected by temperature. Although he wasn't with the others, he would continue their traditions of pester the hell out of Zelkam.

'But it's cute!' Spifey tells the other innocently, giving the plushy a squish. 'Awe, I can imagine you sleeping you with this little guy.'


Zelkam makes a futile attempt to snag it back but Spifey runs to the other end of the table. This has been going on for quite a while now, Zelkam chasing Spifey and Spifey running away. They were, literally, going in circles.

'I was going to steal your blanket 'cause I was cold and I wanted another one,' Spifey admits, swinging side to side whilst hugging the pig. 'And I found this little guy on your bed. Also, your room is trash.'

The home owner had left to go to the bathroom after Spifey had dared him to chug a one litre bottle of Coke and he choked. Spifey, easily bored, had wandered around and came up with his plan to poke fun at the American.

Zelkam crosses his arms defiantly, eyebrows furrowed as he pouts. 'Shut up. He's nice to give hugs to. The pig is my comfort.'

Spifey looks at the shorter man in front of him with wide eyes, sticking out his bottom lip jokingly. 'Why don't you hug me for comfort?'

The American feels heat rush to his face unexpectedly and prays that he hasn't gone red. What the Hell? Why did that catch him offgaurd? 'Wh- Geo- uh,' he stutters, still taken aback. 'I sleep with the pig.' He stops himself, rethinking his words in a panic. 'Wait- that sounds wrong...'

Spifey chuckles, burying his face into the plushy to cover his face. Zelkam gradually becomes less mad, unable to supress laughter bubbling inside of him. He couldn't help it with the other acting like that.

Zelkam, what's wrong with you?

The taller slowly advances, handing Zelkam his stuffed toy. Suspiscious, he accepts it but a hand takes his wrist and pulls him into a deep embrace. His breath instantly stops as he freezes up, his mind numbing at the sudden action.

Although, he couldn't deny that it felt nice. It was nice; Spifey's arms were wrapped loosely around Zelkam's neck as the height differs between the two. The taller smiles into the American's soft hair and places his head on the other's, feeling Zelkam return the hug. He hoped the other didn't feel his rapidly beating heart.

They pull away, both grinning and looking in opposite directions. Zelkam holds the stuffed toy in his hands, suddenly becoming interested in it. He avoids eye contact, knowing that meeting the other's sparkling hazel orbs would make him melt. He doesn't know why, maybe it was how close they've gotten since Spifey moved to America.

That's the thing with Zelkam. He didn't understand. He couldn't put his finger on it, but something had changed within him. Recently, he had been easily distracted, constantly daydreaming of nothing, forgetting things that had just happened, fidgeting, and more. His friends had pointed it out, worried, including Spifey. Their concerns, particularly the British's boys concerns, somehow heightened Zelkam's out-of-character actions, so he suppressed these sudden urges as to not make them question. It worked, but moments like these torn down his walls, crashing down and the noise falling onto deaf ears. 

Zelkam was unaware of what he was doing.

'Do you wanna watch a movie tonight?' Zelkam asks, still looking away. He chuckles to rid of any awkward aura, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. 'I mean, I'm free and I don't feel like editing anything.'

Spifey just smiles at the red-faced younger in front of him. Confidently and bubbly, he snakes his hand in Zelkam's and hears his breathing hitch slightly. From the corner of his eye, Spifey spots his other hand grip the stuffed pig tighter and stifles a giggle. 'Sure, why not.'


Words: 785

Published: 08.01.2021

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