13. New Neighbour

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The Essempy Apartments were well-made, modern, and affordable. This particular building was seven stories long, and each floor had three apartments., except for the top floor, which was a penthouse. Most of the apartment residents were young people, college students, like Wilbur.

Wilbur Soot lives on the third-highest floor by himself. He is a college student and studying both editing and music. He keeps to himself, the reason why he hasn't made any friends since he moved here from England. He had applied for his dream college, which was very far from his home, so not many of his old friends or his family visit.

Saturday. That means no college today. For once, the sun is shining, and the temperature was warmer than England is known for, leading to Wilbur needing to find an outfit that didn't consist of his usual t-shirt and crewneck combo. He opts for a plain long-sleeved shirt and jeans, ruffling his hair in the mirror to mess it up the way he likes it. In his reflection, his eyes fall upon his guitar that is propped up against the wall. Wilbur knows he should have put it on the stand (that is its purpose after all) but he shoves the thought out of his mind as he picks it up. With his other hand, he grabs his glasses, earphones, his notebook, and his favourite pen.

Sliding open the doors to his balcony, Wilbur is greeted by a gust of warm air that tickles his face. He can't help but smile as if being engulfed in a hug. Setting all his stuff (asides from the guitar) on the table, Wilbur sits and basks in the light. It's not often England gets nice weather, let alone on a weekend where everyone can enjoy it. So, Wilbur savours the moment while he can, bringing out his notebook and guitar in case this moment may spark any ideas.

Wilbur takes his phone out of his pocket, pressing 'record' on his audio recorder to save all his progress and add it to the list of both finished and unfinished works. With a quick strum to check the guitar is still in tune, Wilbur begins messing around, fingers working skillfully on the strings. He sinks into the chair and closes his eyes, letting the music embrace him as his fingers dance in melodic harmony with the guitar. He doesn't know how long he goes for, but when he strums his final chord, Wilbur sits there for a moment, a ghostly smile pulling at his lips as he revels in his lover, music.

Sudden applause. Wilbur's eyes shoot open, alert. Straightening himself on the chair, he listens, swallowing. From above him, there's clapping, and a voice saying, 'That was poggers, man!'

'Thanks,' Wilbur answers cautiously. 'I thought Phil lives above me.'

'I'm Philza's roommate! He and Kristen had a spare room and it's mine now. Though, I practically own the place. I'm manly like that.' The voice sounded younger as if belonging to a teenage boy. Not to mention the baffling lingo that he used.

'What age are you?'

'17. I'm doing my second year in college next term. Ashton. Not to flex.'

Wilbur's surprise is quickly masked under joking mockery as he shoots back a retort. 'Well, "not to flex", I go to that college. Well, would've, if you're going next term. It's my last year right now.'

There's a scoff, but Wilbur could sense there was a smile on their face as the spoke. 'You're old and decrepit. However, I really like your music, so I guess it cancels out.'

'How does admiration cancel out age?'

'I don't know, man, take the compliment and move along! Actually, don't go anywhere. I can play piano, you know.'

Wilbur smiles at the teenager's persistence. 'I didn't know. We just met. But I can also play piano too.'

'Okay, dickhead, no need to flex.'

Wilbur splutters out in shocked laughter, caught off guard that this stranger could be so open to someone he doesn't even know the name of, but Wilbur can't help but like his vibe.

'Can you play some more?' he's saying. 'Write a song about me! Like... I don't know. "I'm a big man with a big heart. Call me pogchamp, like I'm Vikkstar." Yoooo! Look at my flow! I could be the next Bo Burnham. Vikkstar would be proud.' He sounds genuinely prideful that he was able to come up with his lyrics.

Wilbur can't help but chuckle at the lack of rhythm and the hesitant rhyming, but to be fair, freestyle wasn't his thing either. Amused by this child's confidence and joking manner, Wilbur can't help but remember one of his songs he wrote as a project for April Fools Day for extra credit. He hums and begins strumming again. Judging by the lack of response, Wilbur assumes the stranger had gone silent to listen.

'I've been straight-As since the beginning of grade school, 4.0 GPA and a college grant too,' he sings, voice slightly shaky from holding back laugher as he waits for a reaction. When he receives none, he continues. 'Correcting the teacher is a notable feature, reminding that my daddy earns more than you-'

'Oh, fuck off, twat!' finally comes the voice, causing Wilbur to burst out laughing, stumbling over his own lyrics, skipping most of the verse as he struggles through the lines that are sung are in chuckles.

'I'm a genius!' Wilbur proudly sings. 'I'm really fucking smart! I'm a genius!'

There's just laughter from above, Wilbur continuing through his song, revelling in the response he was getting. The teenager even engages in the song during the third verse during the pause.

'When I enter in the room, everybody hides and ducks. Probably 'cause they think, I'm an annoying little...'

'Fuck!' comes the voice, so proudly as if he knew that was the next word in the song.

'Genius,' Wilbur says, and there's a mumble that was probably a sarcastic reply but is followed with more laughter as the teenager chuckles to his own joke. When the song ends, the stranger applauds, yelling and whooping loudly.

'Let's go, dude! That was awesome!'

'Thank you,' Wilbur says, and he realizes there's a smile on his face that he doesn't know when it got there, but he doesn't feel the urge to drop it. Instead, he goes to the edge of the balcony, leaning forward to peer around the upper balcony, where the stranger is. A blonde-haired boy stares down at him, a joyful expression on his face as he is finally able to make eye contact with the stranger.

With a toothy grin, he says 'Well, there's the cocky bastard. Just so you know, I'm definitely smarter than you.'

'Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that,' Wilbur bites back, smirking up at the teenager. 'What's your name?'

'Tommy. And you?'


'Well, Wilbur, your music is amazing, but if you ever patronize me again, I will clart you.'

As laughter erupts once more, Wilbur knows he's made a friend. Although he had to wait so long to make his first friend since moving to the apartments, Tommy made him feel like this building was more that a home.

It feels nice.


Words: 1173

Published: 30.08.2021

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