3. Not A Double Date

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Requested by:  StarSapphire37

Prompt: DreamNotFound or Skephalo, fluff

TW: none!


Skeppy had no clue how he got himself in this situation.

Originally, Dream had asked him to be his third wheel as to make his first date with George bearable if things get awkward. Skeppy knew George as the three of them were part of the same friend group in college, so he agreed. What he didn't know was that George, too, was bringing someone else with him, a familiar green-eyed, brown-haired, glasses-wearing, optimistic guy who could practically make the skies split apart and angels chorus whenever he smiles.

Skeppy walks at a reasonable distance behind Dream and George, hands stuffed into his pockets as he looks around the mall, bored and on edge. The couple laugh with one another, chattering on about the American's cat, blissfully in their own world as duo behind them follows their steps. Beside Skeppy twittered BadBoyHalo, talking animatedly to someone who wasn't even listening to his words.

BadBoyHalo was not a bad boy. If anything, Halo should be his name instead of just 'Bad'. Everyone called him Bad and, honestly, Skeppy doesn't know how he keeps it. To be referred as a negative word like 'Bad' 24/7 would drive Skeppy mad for he prided his ego and would fight for it to not be tarnished.

'Geppy? Geeeeepy?'

'What?' Skeppy comes back to his sense, looking at the speaker. He bore a concerned expression, tilting his head as he searches his friend's face.

'Are you okay? You've been acting weird.'

'Weird? I'm the one being weird?'

The relationship between Skeppy and Bad was baffling. Bad- gullible, loving, and reasonable- paired so differently against Skeppy- troublemaker, quick to speak, and humorous. With paralleling personalities, you would think that they would hate or feel uncomfortable in each other's presence, but they were actually okay friends. Aforementioned, they were from the same friend group in college, so they've known each other for a year. They met in the library after Skeppy joked around and asked for a book that didn't exist. Bad spent the whole afternoon looking for a nonexistent novel called 'The Vlog' by T. Rowled, like the good library assistant he was. He did get mad but upon discovering that Skeppy was a mutual with one of his neighbors Dream (and after recieving a hundred muffin basket Skeppy had given to him as an apology), he forgave him.

'Yeah, you're acting strange.' They follow the couple and get onto the escalator. Fortunately, the mall wasn't busy as it was 2pm on a Friday morning. None of them had classes so that's why Dream and George appointed this time for their date. The couple stand far away from them, occupied in their own conversation.

'You're the strange one!' Skeppy argues. He notices that Bad was on the step above him, making him taller than he was. Feeling threatened, he passes Bad to be taller.

'I'm not strange!' Bad defends, crossing his arms as he pouts. He marches upwards and looks down at the ravenette. 'You're such a muffinhead.'

'See?! Who says 'muffinhead'?! That's strange!' Two steps, making Skeppy taller.

'Oh, says the one who cried over not having sand!' Two steps, making Bad taller.

'It was a joke!'

They both start speed walking up the escalator, fighting for height while continuing to bicker, eventually hitting two bodies at the top. They had bumped into Dream and George, who stood waiting for them. George giggles at the two whilst Dream rolls his eyes.

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