8. Drunk For Love

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Prompt: Vurb wants to play a drinking game with the couples, containts DreamNotFound, Karlnapity, SkepHalo and Spifelk

CW: alcohol, sex jokes


'Okay, so you're telling me... you find this entertaining?'

Vurb pulls a face, as if to say "why wouldn't I?". 'Well, yeah. It's a trust thing, to show that you take pride being in your relationship.'

George scrunches up his nose, not liking the idea in the slightest. His boyfriend, however, being the Leo he was, was very intrigued.

'Well, me and George are in,' Dream announces before his boyfriend could say anything. 'We are definitely the best couple here.'

Quackity frowns challengingly. 'Uh, yeah, well, I have two boyfriends, therefore, you are incorrect.' As if to prove his point, he raises his hands which were clasped with Sapnap and Karl. Their matching golden rings glint in the light, along with the Mexican's eyes devilishly.

Karl backs up his boyfriend, giddily, 'Yeah! Twice as much as love.'

'Personally, I think Skephalo is gonna win,' Finn says, munching on his popcorn. This causes Zak to flush slightly but Bad grins innocently.

'Why, thank you, Finn,' he chirps. He turns his attention back to the others, crossing his arms to look as intimidating as possible. 'You muffins are going down!'

Puffy, from the kitchen, pulls the smoking bag of popcorn from the microwave. Niki sits on the counter, pulling her attention away from the bickering boys to eye the food. Puffy chuckles, taking out another bowl for her.

'Should we try stop them? Puffy asks, quirking an eyebrow.

'I kind of want to see where this goes.'

'Okay, that I can get upon.' Puffy hands her a bowl and a cup of orange soda. She takes it happily and the two head back to the sitting room, where things are getting much more heated.

For explaination, Zak had let people come around to his place after a convention to record some stuff. All the others had left, the minors and a couple of others who wanted to go out and tour the city before tomorrow. They all have videos for each of their channels so now they were just chilling. However, someone- or several someones- had brought around drinks and they were already busted open, having jokes and laughing.

'Geo, Zelk, you two keeping quiet over there,' TapL says, drawing all attention to the couple sitting on the couch. Zelk instantly pulls a face at the other and Geo laughs nervously.

'Uh, what about us?'

'Join us or Vurb'll suck your toes.'

After sharing a look, the two join the circle. The single people begin to move away to give them space, leaving George, Dream, Sapnap, Karl, Quackity, Skeppy, Bad, Spifey and Zelkam. However, two other people remain in the circle.

'Uh, Wilbur? Schlatt?' Finn questions, staring at them.

Schlatt hadn't moved his chair, which was within the circle. He was already drunk despite it being 7pm. He snaps out of his daze to look half-focused at the crossdresser upon hearing his name. 'Heh?'

Wilbur hooks his arm with the American's, much to the other's look of disgust. The British male smiles charmingly, saying, 'Me and my pretty princess would like to join in this game. Isn't that right, Schlatt?'

Again, the drunk male repeats, 'Eh?'

'But you guys aren't-' Bad begins, oblivious as ever.

'No, they're together, Bad,' Skeppy reassures, catching Wilbur's twinkle that he shared. The other's immediatedly knew this was an opportunity to troll Bad, and, frankly, didn't care enough to stop it.

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