6. He's My Best Friend

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Prompt: If you've read my book Sticky Notes, this is Sapnap's perspective :) Includes DreamNotFound and SapNotFound

TW: angst


Dream was Sapnap's best friend. They were stuck to one another like glue and knew each other's quirks and characteristics, their ups and downs, shared secrets. 

The young Dream was a troublesome kid, reckless and always playing make-believe. From ages 10 through 12, he would go on adventures, travelling by himself and getting himself in lots of trouble by both his parents and his school. His absences built up, leading him to repeat the 7th grade twice. His parents then started getting much stricter, moving him to a new school that Dream much more liked. That's how he met the Greek boy, who was new to America and spoke very little. The teacher paired the oldest boy of the grade with the silent child, hoping that the talkative one would help him. She was aware that they were both the new students of the school, too lost in their own worlds to make friends. That day began a great friendship.

'Hi, I'm Dream. I'm 14. I'm the oldest of the class.' A toothy grin and sparkling eyes, the blonde plopped himself in the empty seat beside his class partner.

The dark-browned hair boy had frowned slightly, looking at him with a side-eye before returning to his drawing. Dream, never one to accept defeat, tried again to strike conversation.

'I like your hair.'

'Thanks,' the other had said shortly.

'You're welcome. It's like a girl's with how long it is.'

He had meant to be polite, complimenting the bunches and the white loose ribbons but  Dream had noticed how the other had tensed, his pencil no longer moving.

'Don't say that, please.'

Confused, Dream obliged and began working on the English worksheet the teacher had given them. It was supposed to be done as a pair, but it was obvious the other didn't want to be pushed that moment. After a couple seconds of silence between the two, Dream had taken a breath to say something but is interrupted.

'Oh my God, dude, do you ever stop talking?'

He was stunned momentarily, staring wide-eyed at the brown-haired boy. The other noticed and frantically began rambling again.

'That came out mean, I'm sorry-'

Unexpectedly, Dream had began laughing hysterically. Thankfully, the other pairs were busy with their own work to hear him, but a couple people had stared at him before chuckling at his funny laugh. His partner smiled, confused.

'Wh- what?'

'You- you sounded so American! Oh my God, that caught me so off-guard, Jesus Christ-' He had exploded into another fit of giggles, before it gets higher in pitch, like a kettle. He buried his head in his hands on the table to calm himself down.

'Are you okay?' the brown-haired boy asks, genuinely concerned.

'I'll- I'll be fine,' came a shaky reply. He raised his head again, his wild grin plastered on his face. 'So, Sapnap, what brings a Greek boy like you here to the amazing world of America?' The sarcasm dripped off his tongue like honey, making the brown-haired boy roll his eyes.

'My dad got a job opportunity. My mom lived here before she moved to Greece so we just kinda went back to her home.'

'Woah, that's the most I've ever heard you speak.'

Sapnap frowned and Dream put his hands up in surrender. 'I mean that nicely, dude.'

'Yeah, whatever, dude.'

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