7. In Character

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Requested byCelesteprincess69

Prompt: DreamNotFound, playing on the DreamSMP as usual but then something unusual happens, I've altered it a little, I'm not that good with angst nor have I written a lot of it here but I hope this shall suffice :)

CW: prison, feeling of backstabbing


There were several reasons why George didn't like getting involved with the lore. Number one, he felt like his acting was being judged. Everyone else on the SMP were great at the roleplay, making George feel self-conscious. No matter how many times his friends try to reassure him, George refused to partake unless it was something really, really big.

Number two, George had a bad sleep schedule. This was the biggest one. He couldn't even use time zones as an excuse as the British teenagers were there for every event. George would work until 5, sleep until 1am, do whatever he pleased until 5am, sleep again until 9 then repeat this on a daily basis. His parents knew about his habits and encourage him to fix it, but, as you can see, it hasn't really worked out.

Number three, George got too emotional in roleplay. When he was crowned king that one time, he felt a weight placed on his shoulders. Although it wasn't a big part, he had politely begged his boyfriend to change the plot to exclude him from getting a major role. Dream had kindly done so, but that didn't stop George getting reeled into some important scenes.

So, here we were. George's face was illuminated by the screen of his computer, lighting his face in reds and oranges as he and Sapnap stood waiting for the walls of lava to lower. Transitioning into the point of view of his player, George takes a shaky breath as the warden commands them to step onto the platform. Sapnap immediately does so and George, hesitantly, follows. The platform begins to move, and George takes a deep breath in, heart thudding rapidly in his chest. Heat from the deadly substance below him makes his palms sweaty, or it was the nervousness the British male felt as he desperately tried to remember the plot points he was told to follow prior to the stream.

They stop moving. The jail cell before them opens up, revealing the blankfaced man in orange attire. He catches George's eye and continues to look at him even when George turns away. Sapnap is first to enter, taking George's wrist to force him to follow. The cell closes behind them and the brown-haired boy swallows thickly.

This was it. Time to get in character.

Sapnap speaks first, standing with his arms folded. 'Hey Dream.' There's a mix of sadness, disappointment, mocking and anger in his words, as if he hasn't fully forgotten that Dream favoured some stupid discs over his friends.

Dream cracks a smile, almost hopeful. 'Hi. I knew you would come visit me eventually.'

Sapnap hums, suspicious. George fidgets with his hands, his nerves making him unable to stand still. 'How- how are you?'

'I'm good. How's the SMP?' His voice was soft, as if he hasn't spoken in a while.

'From what I've heard, it's been okay. I've been staying at home, mostly.'

Dream nods. George clenches his hands to stop them shaking.

'H-how are you?'

'George, stop being nice to him. We aren't his friends,' Sapnap snaps, getting in between the two of them to glare pointedly at the British male. George frowns.

'What? I know Dream has done some bad stuff, but-'

'But what? Have you forgotten that Dream doesn't care about us? He only cares about power!'

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