12. Pink Lemonade

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The door of the cafe swings open with a chime, letting in a cool Spring breeze. Nobody looks up, occupied in their own worlds, engulfed in indistinct chatter and laughter. The newcomer makes his way to the counter, smiling happily at the boy at the register. They, in return, greet him warmly.

'Hi! Welcome to Heavenscent! My name's Fundy. What would you like to have?'

'Uhm, what do you recommend? I'm new around here.' There's evident cheeriness and kindness in his tone, relaxing the redhead as he talks to the customer.

'Well, personally, my favourite thing here is the rosewater and raspberry meringue and that usually sides with a pink yoghurt bowl and a pink lemonade or strawberry milk.'

The brown-haired boy hums, eyes twinkling behind his darkened sunglasses. 'Sound great! How much will that be?'

'8 for the meringue, 7 for the bowl and 3 for the drink, so 18 dollars, but I can dock it down to 15 seeing as you're nice and new here.'

'Oh no, it's okay! Here-' He reaches into his back pocket and takes out his wallet, fishing out a 50. He hands it to the redhead. 'Keep the change!'

The boy behind the counter widens his eyes at the note. 'Seriously?! I'm sorry, but that's too much!'

'Even if you give it back to me, it's going into the tip jar.'

Fundy looks at him in awe. 'I- damn, thank you!' He turns over his shoulder to yell at someone that can't be seen. 'Ant! I need a glass of...' His voice lowers. 'What was it again?'

'Uhm, pink lemonade?'

'Pink lemonade!' He returns his attention to the customer. 'It'll take a while so take a seat and I'll serve it to you. Is it dine here, or to go?'

'To go, thank you.'

'No problem...?'

Realizing he wanted a name, Karl smiles dorkily. 'Karl. With a K.'

'Okay, Karl with a K. I'll have your order soon.'

The brown-haired boy turns around to look at his surroundings as Fundy attends to another customer. The cafe wasn't incredibly full so Karl ducks his head to try to draw as little attention to himself as he takes the closest place to the counter, positioning his back to the entrance. Taking out his phone to scroll aimlessly through social media, he cherishes the simple moment, enjoying the noise and warmth and the feeling of home. It was weird how a cafe made him feel this way when he had only discovered it's existance just half an hour ago.

Another chime from the bell abovethe door indicates that someone had entered the café. They  held a large cardboard box, obviously a deilvery boy. 'Package for Heavenscent?'

'Sapnap!' Fundy yells, bringing in dirty dishes to the back room. 'Package!'

A hazel-eyed boy- supposedly Sapnap- comes round from the back of the café, stepping out from behind the counter to meet the delivery boy. 'Hi. Package?'

'Yeah. Halo?'

'My boss. I'll take it.'

'Okay, sign here.'

Fundy emerges, holding an order carefully and expertly in his hands. He places a blue box and glass bottle on top of the counter, announcing 'Karl with a K? Rosewater and Raspberry meringue, yoghurt tub and pink lemonade. Karl with a K!'

At the mention of his name, Karl quickly stands up and fumbles to put his phone back in his pocket. He takes his order, box in one hand and pink lemonade in the other.

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