11: I Made A Promise

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I'm sorry I've been gone... but look I made you some content! (cue Bo Burnham funky music)

Hiatus over, sorry about that. In return, I'll give you angst :)

TW: angst, blood


Every day was the same.

Wake up, roam the areas for inspection, go to the library to care for Karl, try writing a letter to Quackity, never finish it, go home, George comes over to talk to him and Karl, cook dinner for the three of them, George leaves, put Karl to bed to ensure he doesn't put himself in danger, write a letter to Bad to let him know he was okay and, finally, try sleep with a million thoughts racing through his head. It was usually fearing Karl's memory loss, worrying about the egg's hold over his friends and family, his best friend in prison- the list goes on and on.

Like every day, every night was the same.

Except for today.

It started normally. Sapnap woke up from the sunlight tickling his face. Yawning, he forces himself to sit straight, not wanting sleep to drag him back to slumber. Forcefully rubbing his eyes to wake himself, he mentally prepares himself for the day. He gets out of his bed and makes his way to Karl's on the other side of the room. The brunette is in a deep sleep. He always was a heavy sleeper. Sapnap sits beside him, shaking him while calling out to him, voice slightly hoarse from lack of use.

'Karl. Wake up,' he says encouragingly, yawning again. He shakes him more firmly, and Karl moans, turning away.

'Leave me aloneeee,' he whines.

Sapnap frowns, opting to take off Karl's duvet altogether. Karl makes a noise of displeasure, grabbing around blindly in search of comfort. Sapnap gently takes his wrists, pulling Karl to sit up. Instead, Karl slumps forward, burying his face into Sapnap's chest, clearly tired.

'Wake up, Karl,' the younger whispers, as if talking to a sullen child who was definitely not a morning bird. Karl mumbles incoherently, nestling his head into the warmth of the other.

Sapnap sighs, standing up, and Karl almost topples over and nearly falls off the bed. Karl whines more, and Sapnap can't help but chuckle.

'C'mon, up you get.' Skillfully, Sapnap slips one arm behind Karl's back and hooks the other under the crook of his legs. He lifts him, bridal style, and Karl hums contempt. Sapnap twirls unexpectedly, shaking the other awake slightly as he yells out in protest.

'I'm up, geez!'

Carefully, Sapnap sets him on his feet, and Karl hooks his arms around the Texan's neck. Sapnap responds by smiling at him. For a moment, they stand in silence, enjoying each other's company before Sapnap pulls away.

'C'mon, let's get changed.'

Sapnap always lets Karl have the bathroom first, knowing if Karl was left in the bedroom that he would crawl back into the covers. As Karl gets himself sorted, Sapnap cleans up the bedroom, tucking in duvets and fluffing up pillows. When Karl emerges, refreshed from the cold water and in just a towel (and claiming he forgot to bring in his clothes), they switch rooms, allowing Karl to change in the bedroom and Sapnap to do his own business in the bathroom.

They meet in the kitchen, both dressed and wanting breakfast. Sapnap places a loaf of bread, sliced apples, berries, and a simple morning soup. They tuck in, quiet except for the clinking of utensils and slurping of soup.

'Can we have pumpkin pie for when George comes over tonight?' Karl asks, chewing on some bread.

'We had that yesterday, Karl,' Sapnap reminds him gently, stirring his half-empty bowl.

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