Crystal Clear

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Crest, Levi, and Finnick walked rather far ahead of Seth as an unintended punishment for how he made Crest feel. They were eager to make their way back home before the sun set. The temperature was quickly decreasing and the bioluminescent vegetation all around them began to slowly awaken as shadows crept across the forest floor.

"Guys... It's getting rather dark. We should probably start running." Finnick grunted nervously.

"Good call. I say run." Crest then leaned forward and began to sprint, Levi and Finnick soon following not far behind. Seth grunted and jogged slowly behind them, allowing more distance to grow as they made their way closer to getting out of the darkness infested forest.

"Shouldn't they be back by now?" One of the lookouts that scan the tree line of the forest awkwardly looked down at his watch and then over to one of his friends.

The other shrugged in response. "How should I know? They didn't tell anyone they were leaving."

Seth turned around once he heard a loud snap, only to be met with the glowing red eyes of a shadow-beast. It was charging right for him. That's when he yelled as loud as he could, it echoing throughout the quietness of the forest. Crest, Finnick, and Levi turned around with confusion, Seth bolting past them without stopping to warn them. "It's coming!" He shouted.

In unison, Levi and the others yelled, running for the edge of the forest as fast as they could, gesturing for the lookouts to move out of the way. "Move!"

Crest then tripped over an uprooted tree stump, tumbling forward and causing Levi and Finnick to tumble as well, making their way down a steep hill and out of the forest. Seth was panting heavily several feet in front of them, wheezing as he gasped for air. "That was close..." The shadow-beast then stopped at the edge of the tree line and growled deeply, locking eyes with Levi who panted heavily. It then stepped back into the darkness and disappeared, running off and out of sight.

"Next time... Shout sooner than later!" Crest snapped, punching Seth in the arm. "Your ignorance put us all in danger!"

"How was I supposed to know that was going to happen? You're all on my ass for being brutally honest all the time, and when I decide to keep my mouth shut I get more crap thrown my way! Y'know, I don't deserve this." Seth stomped his foot and a ripple of energy dispursed from his body as he turned around to make his way inside the building. He was clearly angry and upset. Finnick then looked at Crest with an apologetic glare and sighed.

"He's a lot to handle, Crest. I struggle with him too. I have to sit there and pry his feelings from him... If I don't ask him if he's alright, no one will." Finnick then quickly flicked his eyes from Levi back to Crest, turning around and jogging not too far behind Seth. Crest looked back at Levi who looked off to the side. He felt the quiet attack Finnick shot at him with his glare. As quick as it was, it hurt. Finnick might have something against Levi as well as Seth. They've grown apart increasingly as they've stayed with Crest and his revolution. The longer they stay apart, the harder it is for them to communicate, and they're both powerful. Crest knew that if they began to separate, their powers could potentially grow dark.

"This is way beyond my control..." Crest grabbed Levi's hand and smiled slightly. "I know that everything is going to be fine. Don't dwell on the negative side of things."Crest held Levi's hand as they walked to the building, making their way inside and up the stairs until they reached Crest's room. The door closed behind them as they quickly undressed, changing into some more casual clothes. Seth and Finnick could be heard arguing in the room across the hall, making Levi even more upset.

"Crest... I have some things to tell you about Tucker. The commander of the military." Levi rubbed his neck as he remembered Tuck attaching an iron collar to his neck, pulling it and forcing him to be in the presence of Ozaph. His eyes began to water one he remembered the horrible things Tuck tried to do to him in the forest when they took him hostage.

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