A New Desire (Seth)

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"Together as one, Leviathan..."

A deep and demonic voice echoed through the vastness of Levi's mind, causing him to toss and turn in bed. Crest and Seth snored away as if all were right in their dreams. Seth would mumble and chuckle in his sleep, Crest as still as a rock. They didn't realize how uncomfortable Levi seemed as he started panting and sweating, being plagued with the mind voice that terrified him.

"What do you want form me..?" Levi rasped with fear, looking in every direction possible. He was in his mind, under a spotlight, helplessly surrounded by the darkness inside himself. He forced his hands forward, shooting light energy into the dark, trying his best to at least shed a little light on who the voice might be. What it might be.

"I am the reason you're here..." The demonic voice echoed louder, closer, angrier. That's when Levi turned in the direction of the voice and swung his arm, quickly being stopped with the tight grasp of the shadowy figure. The figure's sharp claws dug into his arm, causing so much pain.

"You made me betray my family. My home. You made me a monster." Levi spoke through his gritted teeth, panting hard as he clenched his fist. He stood as broad as he could, pushing back against the figure.

"Oh, Leviathan, you've always been a monster. You and I are so much the same. I can give you what you want." The figure stepped into the light slowly and revealed his form. He stood tall, deep glowing blue eyes. His scales were cracked, black, and his body resembled that of a corpse left to dry in the sun. "I've only amplified your gifts... I've given you a purpose." The figure ran his claw across Levi's cheek and down his neck, cutting through his shirt to reveal his chest.


Levi closed his eyes as his power surged through his body, swirling around him as it blew the creature off balance. The sound of thunder rippled through the darkness and the creature chuckled aloud.

"You're a fighting spirit. I like that." The creature stepped back into the light, his body gradually starting to repair itself. His face came into view and his chest would pulse with energy. " You're the perfect host. Just enough life force to give me what I need most." He continued.

"And what is it you need most?" Levi growled.

"Mmm~ That there in your chest, Leviathan. What do mortals call a life force? A soul?" The creature chuckled and inhaled slowly, his body seeming to look full of life."Handsome, I know, and It's thanks to you my little ray of light." He leaned forward and grabbed Levi's neck tight, licking from his shoulder to his ear. "I'm going to enjoy your body too."



Wake up!

"You heard the boys, Leviathan, It's time to-"


Crest and Seth were standing on the bed, reaching for Levi as he floated above them, the entire room a mess. Everything that wasn't bolted down was in the air, elevated and flying in every direction. Levi's hands were balled into fists and he thrashed around.

"I'm awake!" Levi yelled, everything falling to the floor. Levi quickly fell into Seth's arms, whimpering and sniffling as he wiped his tears. He was shaking, trembling with terror in his eyes.

"It was just a nightmare, Levvy, it's just a nightmare." Seth held Levi tight and ran his hand over his cheek, drying his tears.

"That must of been a terrible dream..." Crest added, looking around to see his room completely turned inside-out.

"I'm okay... I think we should stay here, Seth. This place may be just what we need. I think we should stick together." Levi tapped Seth's shoulder to let him down, drying his tears as he looked over at Crest who seemed to look more upset than usual. His tail was droopy and his ears were just about flat against his head. That's how he knew. Seth on the other hand looked less surprised, but concerned nonetheless.

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