Ultraviolet Heart

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Celestial beings have cosmic power. Born when the universe was created, they are made of pure energy. They are the building blocks of worlds, solar systems, even galaxies. Conah and Rin are two celestial beings that not only are differently, but show true emotions. Beings of such power have a purpose. To create life. What happens when those beings become attached to the very thing they've created? What happens when a celestial falls in love with its mortal creation?
It's totally new. Totally different.
It's intoxicating.
The wind blew through the trees, leaves dancing, being carried by it's gentle embrace as the morning clouds pass above head. A new day has begun. The seasons appeared to be changing. The once beautiful greens of the forest became dull, signaling for their autumn. Bioluminescence was fading.

Since the escape from Tuck, things have been quiet. Things have grown calm. The rebellion against the kingdom had not only settled down. The rebellion seemed almost nonexistent. It was hard to see how dangerous things have become. The rebels continued to grow their community, adopting people cast out of the kingdom, scouring to save gifted yarren from execution. This meant that the population has continued to grow. We've had to build deeper into the ground beneath the ancient ruins we had already rebuilt from the ground up.

"Do you think it's time we try to leave?" Levi grunted, looking around to see many tents, trails, even buildings grow over the tree line. They've become vulnerable. Sitting ducks.

"Don't be silly, Levi, we have you on our side. And we have the Alpha as well. Thanks to you." Seth chuckled, patting him on the back.

"What do you mean? I still don't know how to fully control my powers. Let's not mention how dangerous I've become since then. I have power surges every now and than. They're strong enough to hurt people." Levi looked up at the sky and closed his eyes. He thought about his fathers. Wondering what they'd do to help.

"Is it true?"
           "He's destined to destroy the world?"
                     "What's he doing here if he's so dangerous?"
              "Are you sure he's on our side?" 

Levi could hear the thoughts of the other yarren around him. They would sneak side glares. Scoff. Look away. It was almost as if everything he did prior was ignored. They saw his actions as dangerous. A pure display of what not to be. His power was godly but he was no god. That's for sure. They made sure he felt ashamed of his gifts. Levi grabbed his ears and pressed them against his head. Running back inside and up the stairs to his room. He slammed the door shut and threw his back against it, whimpering, eyes watering as he slid down into a slouch. "Why me..?"
Flashbacks began to flood Levi's mind. Tucker wasn't done plotting his revenge. Something bad was going to happen. He could feel it deep in his gut. It was a feeling that balled in his throat. It felt tight. His stomach churned as well.
Tucker grunted and paced the front entrance to Ozaph's room. "Open up, Brother!" He growled and huffed, eyes fixated on the floor. He could feel his powers raging inside of him. The build up of energy ached to come out.

"It's Alpha to you, General. Don't forget your place, Older brother." Ozaph gave Tucker a rather disgusted glare as the large doors slowly opened, revealing his large figure. He wore his silky white drapes, the sun shining through them and complementing his royal figure. "Why do you bother me at this hour?"

"You haven't spoken to me about that little incident with the boy, Your Grace, and I wish to know why." Tucker lowered his head.

"I don't need to tell you anything, Tucker. You report to me. Not the other way around." Ozaph grunted and crossed his arms, his jewelry jingling in the process.

"Why the Hell did you let them go?!" Tucker let out a deep growl, pointing his finger in Ozaph's direction.

He looked around, making sure no one saw him. "You need to watch your tone with me, General. I am no longer your younger brother. I am your superior. You do not disrespect me."

"I don't respect a coward in flashy clothes and pretty jewelry. You're weak. Father was an idiot to let you rule this kingdom." Tucker clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, immediately regretting what he said. He then stepped back as Ozaph stepped forth, brows narrowing and his eyes darkening.

"Father chose me because he knew choosing you would be a mistake. You're too prideful. You're too sensitive and immature. Like a baby throwing a tantrum when things don't go his way. I'm not the weak one. Father chose accordingly." Ozaph straightened his posture and turned his back to Tucker, slowly walking away from the door. "GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!" He shouted.

Tucker lowered his head, looking down at the floor, speechless and embarrassed. "Yes, your grace." He stepped back as Ozaph gestures the door to close with a dismissive wave of his hand. His cheeks felt hot. His blood racing through his veins as his heart pounded in his chest. "Father chose accordingly" echoed in his head. A vision of his father's eyes flooded his memory. He remembered how much father liked Ozaph rather than him. A tear ran down his cheek. A tear of jealousy. A tear of anger. "I will kill that boy." Tucker mumbled under his breath, clenching his fist as he spun around and stomped his way around the corner and out of sight.


Levi woke up in bed, covered in a cold sweat. "Tucker..."

Crest sat at in a chair across the room, arms crossed and eyes blank. He shook his head and bit his lip in frustration. "You had another out of body dream didn't you?" Levi ran his hands through his hair and sighed aloud, looking up at the ceiling. He didn't know what to say. It's not like it would make much sense anyway.

"Yes. I had another out of body dream. I was back in the kingdom."

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