Guilty but Pleasured (Sexy Warning)

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Just outside the city boarder towered a protective wall to divide the forest animals from civilization. It had to be at least ten stories tall. Crest, Seth, and Finnick stood next to it in awe, for they never knew that the city successfully built it in the first place. Many were said to have died during construction. The animals began attacking non-stop due to the noise. They respond to that kind of stuff but the construction crew must of finally pulled through.

"Alright, the Alpha's home is at the heart of the city. I know it's big but we can blend in if we act casual and don't draw attention to ourselves." Crest dusted himself off and fixed his shirt, running his hands through his hair and patting his face.

"How are we not going to draw attention to ourselves when we dress like hobos." Seth crossed his arms and shook his head.

"What's a hobo?" Finnick mumbled with confusion.

"Nevermind, Let's just sneak into a store and get some clothes. Does anyone have many money?" Seth continued, pulling from his pocket silver coins.

"Do we look like the kind of people who would have money?" Crest snapped, slowly levitating into the air. "I'm gonna get a look at what it looks like out there. Seem's quiet."

"Is the coast clear?" Seth whispered loudly.

"Yeah, c'mon let's go before someone sees us."

"Okay, grab my hand, Finnick." Seth reached out and held his hand as they flew over the wall and planted their feet on the neatly cut grass on the side of the highway. The roads were dead, not a single person in sight. It seemed rather suspicious. The sun was just about to set as the street lights flickered, turning on one by one as it got darker. The wind blew quietly as leaves skittered across the ground. Seth looked up at the sky as the orange and purple hues of color began to fade into darkness, thick dark clouds soon engulfing the sky. A storm was brewing. Thunder roared in the distance as the wind suddenly shifted it's direction, causing the three to sway.

"Let's hurry and get some clothes. We need to blend in." Crest ran across the street and to the side of a building, looking down the alley, beckoning the others to follow. They walked quietly until they then reached the end, revealing yet another dead highway. Normally the city streets are full of busy workers doing their jobs. The sidewalks would be flooded with males wearing bright colors to show what brand or what corp they work for.

"Remind me again why we didn't just fly on top of the store we wish to steal from?" Finnick grunted.

"I clearly didn't think of that idea." Crest whispered angrily, looking out at the highway as he groaned.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" A little boy's voice came from behind them.

"Um... We have a problem." Seth whispered, tugging Crest's tail to get his attention.

"Hello there, small... Child, what are you doing out here all alone?" Crest walked up to him and crouched, attempting to work a smile onto his face. It was a terrible smile.

"I live in that house with my daddies and three bigger brothers. Are you boys lost?" The child shyly fiddled with his fingers as he leaned to look at the other two strangers.

"We need clothes. Do you know were we can find some, kid?" Seth asked, peaking out from behind Crest.

"My daddy just happened to throw some clothes of his in the trash. Wait here! I'll get them." The child quickly ran to his building and disappeared through the door, later coming back with a large bag. "Here it is!" He grunted as he tugged it over to the three strangers in his alley way.

"I thank you kind child. Off you go now, it's dangerous after dark." Crest grunted, patting his head awkwardly.

"Hehe! You're weird..." The child smiled and hugged Crest's leg before happily walking off. "Bye bye now! You should try to practice smiling more!" He waved before walking through the door as it closed behind him. Crest looked down at his leg and blushed, looking off the the side.

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