Awakening (Levi)

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"Levi. Seth. Why? Why would you break every rule we have in place to keep you safe? You scared Conah to death. You could of been taken, or worse, captured by the mortals. They are not exactly welcoming to celestial beings that casually destroy some of the most expensive buildings in the downtown area of Faldom. That city now knows of Leon, Seth, what were you thinking? And don't try to lie, I can read your minds." Rin pulled Seth over to the kitchen table by the ear and sat him down, Conah gesturing for me to go to my room. I immediately did so, not ever wanting to disobey such power. I kept my head down. I didn't dare to look confident. 

A few hours pass and Rin and Conah knock at my door, asking to come in. I was sitting on my bed, laying on my back as I look up at the ceiling, not knowing what exactly to say. "Come in I guess..." I said softly, unlocking the door with one flex of my mind. I then sat up slowly, facing my window as Conah and Rin stepped in, quiet as ever. Eventually I turned to look at Conah, he seemed worried, scared, nervous. I could tell by Rin's body language and how his ears drooped. Conah tapped his foot against the hardwood floor, arms crossed as he shook his head.

"What is it?" I finally broke the river of silence and shook my head. "You know, I expect you to talk when you just decide to come into my room..." I continue, sliding to the edge of my bed as I make my way over to the window, running hands down my sides to brush the wrinkles off my shirt.

"Leon, do you... feel any different? Anything you... remember from what happened today?" Conah asked softly, stepping forward slowly, holding back Rin who was about to step forth as well. "I saw what happened... I see everything. I know something happened out there. You should of died. It's not every day that a young god, or any god that I know of, would of survived such an extraterrestrial power with that much energy. The heat, the electric shock alone should of ripped you apart. But as soon as you came in contact with it... It seemed to act strange. What exactly did you see?" Conah was now standing next to me, he then put his hand on my shoulder and gripped it tight, a bit too tight. 

As soon as he did that, I was thrown into a flashback. My vision blurred and then tunnled as I lost my balance and grabbed at the curtains to my window. 


"Daddy... please... No more..." A young drake was laying naked on a bed, holding his hands up as if he were trying to protect himself. Then an older yarren stepped into view, unbuckling his pants slowly. As soon as he did that, I tried to push myself to get up but I couldn't. I then was forced to my stomach as he pinned me to the bed. It felt familiar and as soon as I felt that familiarity, a tear ran down my cheek. I was the child. 


I gasped and shudder, pulling away from Conah's touch quickly, playing it off and acting like there was a bug.

"What? What's the matter?" Conah stepped back and tilted his head, his long ears swaying as he looked back at Rin. He then stepped forth and knelled, looking at me intently. "I understand you are afraid, but you can tell me anything. You cannot keep any secrets from us..."

"And what about you? Do you have any secrets of your own that you aren't telling me?" I slowly stood up and inhaled as much air as I could.

"What are you implying? You think I am hiding something?" Conah stepped forth and that's when Rin stepped forth and pulled Conah back. 

"I remember everything... I don't know how I did it... but that energy cloud wasn't what we thought. It was alive and It was from another world. It was a demon. It showed me the future... I saw nothing but destruction..." I looked directly into Conah's eyes and shook my head. 

"What does that mean? I suddenly feel so good. My senses are far better than they were, I can hear things. Voices in my head. I feel fantastic. I don't know what happened, it seemed like that energy was attracted to me. I let it in by mistake though, and now It's pulsing within me. Feeding my powers." I had my hands in my hair as I then sigh and smile.

"That's not exactly a good thing Leon..." Conah spoke firmly, quickly rising to his feet as he made his way to the door and turning the corner and walked down the hall into his room. Rin followed not long after, eyeing me down like I have some kind of disease. He too looked as if he were worried.

"They lied to me..." I thought to myself, looking out the window and down at Seth who walked through the grass with his head low, tail between his legs and his ears drooped.

 He was upset and I could tell. It understood that It wasn't all his fault. it was out of his control what happened in the city. The good thing was that we made it back to the Sanctuary safe. 

l jumped out of the window and quietly landed on my feet, looking behind me to see if Seth or Conah were downstairs. I then looked forward and saw Seth making his way to his house, the strong smell of regret in the air. 

"Seth... I'm coming over..." 

I used my telepathy to catch his attention and that's when he quickly turned to look at me, beckoning me to come over. I smiled big and quickly ran through the tall grass, the wind blowing through my hair as my ears fluttered against the wind. Seth smiled slightly and turned to unlock the door as we both walked in, the lights automatically turning on. 

"I know why you're here, Leon. Yes, I will run a medical examination on you. I was actually going to call you over anyway. Get on the table and I'll run some tests." I then nodded and slithered my way onto the examination table, laying on my back as I look up at the bright white lights that beamed down on me. 

"So, are you gonna like, put me to sleep or something?" I asked curiously, leaning forward to look over at him as he grabbed some tools. "What's all of that?" I tilted my head and took a hard gulp of nervousness. 

"This is just stuff to scan your body for any anomolys and or hidden wounds within your body. I also have a few tools that allow me to scan our power levels and all of that good stuff. It helps me get an idea of what kind of threats I might have to go up against... I brought this technology over from my world. I love how brought me here with you and I can't even leave... Bummer..." He looked off to the side as if there were more he wanted to say. I couldn't read his mind, he was putting up a mental wall. I don't normally intrude on other's minds. it's considered rude and or dangerous. 

"Okay, do as you please..." I then slowly layed back down and closed my eyes, inhaling as Seth used his hand held devices to run his tests. I then began to drift off into a suddenly deep sleep, falling slowly through the darkness of my mind. It seemed as if I were in water, I couldn't breath. That's when I was thrown into a dream.

"Leon..." I could hear Seth's voice echo within the darkness. 

I was then standing in the middle of the darkness, the tall dark figure I thought I defeated chuckling slowly. "I see you've let me in... Now it's time for you to wake up..." He then forced his hand forth and I flew into another dream, running down the street as I dodged bullets and jumped over dead bodies all around. The sky was dark and the buildings that tower into the sky sway with instability. 

"You see, Leon, I can show you the truth... I can give you what you want. I can give you the reality you deserve." I then got shot, falling as I tumbled into another dream. I could see a younger drake on the bed, an older yarren walking in as he unbuckled his pants. The little drake cried and whimpered as he was then undressed slowly by the older male. I looked into that young drake's eyes and felt like I knew him. Felt like it was me. I then I woke up with a jolt, everything in the room floating in the air. Seth, was shaking me, mouthing words I couldn't seem hear. My vision was blurry and my body was hot. I then looked over at the pictures of Conah, Rin, and I on the walls, them shattering and falling onto the ceiling. "They lied to me..." I looked at my hands and could see the dark energy slithering through my veins, the air so thick around them that it began to waver. It felt as if it were alive within me, amplifying my powers to an uncontrollable extent.

The lights above me then blew out as the other lights began to flicker. Seth was already all the way at the door, completely confused and ready to shoot me with his stun gun.

"Leon? What are you talking about?" Seth ran over and tried to grab me, but as soon as he touched me, the power within me then rippled through the room, forcing Seth across the room, slamming him into the glass shelves that held his things. Everything in the room then fell to the ground, myself instantly blacking out. 

"It's your rude awakening, Leon..." 

I heard a deep voice echo through my mind as I then drifted again, through the dark fastness of my empty mind. 

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